Monday, July 11, 2011

Spiritual Battery & Abuse

"Woe! Woe! Woe!
Who would cover the abuse of My children?
Do I not see all things?

"My children have been told that they must
have someone 'cover' them to protect them.
My children have been commanded to submit
to abuse or else be 'in rebellion' against Me.

"I have not commanded this!
I have commanded My children to test all things
—even the words of their leaders—
and hold fast only to that which is good.
I have ordained that My Spirit shall be
in all of My children, not just in leaders,
and I have commanded My children to follow
My Spirit in them according to My Word.

"I AM the only 'covering' My children need!
When leaders claim that My children need their 'covering',
they usurp My authority and wound My children.
They do not teach faith in Me but faith in leaders.
They do not teach confidence in My Spirit
but confidence in their hierarchy.
They turn a deaf ear to the cries of My children
in order to maintain the image of their authority.

"Woe! Woe! Woe!
I will judge those who divide
and abuse My children!
Repent! Repent!"


Art: "Covering"

Sunday, July 10, 2011



"My people are struggling to breathe! My people are struggling to grow! My people are told that they need 'covering', and that they will be in danger if they fly freely outside of 'the covering'. My people are taught to be afraid of growth, flying free in Me, and becoming who I created them to be. How much longer will I allow this abomination to endure?"


See also: "The Jar" (art link)

Treinta Piezas de Plata

"Treinta Piezas de Plata"

El Rey les responderá: "Les aseguro que todo lo que hicieron por uno de mis hermanos, aun por el más pequeño, lo hicieron por mí."

- Mateo 25:40

Friday, July 08, 2011

Protected from Growing

"Protected from Growing"

"My people are studying and studying as hard as they can to earn My approval and become closer to Me, but they still feel outside. My people are told the words of My grace, but by actions they are taught to approach Me as though they were under Law. My people are not taught that I am strong enough to teach them, to help them grow and protect them from falling. And behold, the stronghold is armored and fortified by teachers and elders, and is embraced by My people as well!

"Woe! Woe! Woe to the stronghold protecting My people from hearing My voice! Woe to those who keep the growth of My children stunted by their teaching! Woe to those who profess My grace but practice the Law! Woe to houses that wear My Cross as an adornment but make their people climb steps to reach Me! Woe, for I am burning with jealousy for My beloved children! Woe, for I will unleash My zeal for them! Woe to anything standing between Me and My children!"

"Sharing My Heart"

"Will you receive My heart?
All of My heart?

"Do you want to share My heart?
If I share what's on My heart,
will you listen?

"If I share My tears with you,
will you turn away
because what I share sounds 'too negative'?

"Will you accept only what you think is 'edifying'?
Will you accept My grief as well as My joy?
Or will you be a fair-weather friend to Me?"


Art: "Sharing the Burden"

A Better Inheritance

"I loved you so much that I died
to give you a heavenly inheritance,
which will never perish, spoil or fade.

"But you have been fighting so hard
to secure your old earthly inheritance.
You have been wearied by your ways.

"Come, lay down your burdens here at the Cross.
Let Me give you rest for your souls.
Let Me show you how I see your neighbors around you.

"Let Me make you a blessing
to them and to the world."


Art: "Restored"

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Graven Images

"Graven Images"

"To Charismatic teachers, leaders and prophets:

"Why are My people chasing shadows? Why are they going to and fro to leaders and conferences seeking anointings as if they were relics? Why are they taught to speak in difficult words and terms that no one can understand outside of your group? You speak of anointings, revelations, levels, manifestations of glory, 'release' and many more things which are like Latin—a dead language to the people outside your walls. You are building ministries, websites, libraries of books and 'words' like giant cathedrals—impressive in structure but doomed to perish with the things of this world. You have established a hierarchy of authority to keep believers in submission to you and paying indulgences in tithes. You declare believers to be in rebellion when they disagree with your teaching. You claim to be led by My Spirit and to speak My word, but you are leading My people to the shadows of the dark ages. And My children who know no better are desperately trying to catch up to you, to the image of Me that you have set before them. You are not teaching them to seek Me for themselves but to be dependent on you and your teaching. You are confusing My people; you are building Babylon.

"But I will save My children. I will call out My people from among you."


See also: "Images/Shadows" (art link)

"It's Time to Speak!"

"It's time to open your mouth and speak. It's time to prophesy. My sons and daughters are being led by trees of knowledge, full of empty, hollow, lifeless dead words. My people are being led to man-made steps and are told that climbing them will lead to a 'higher level', 'revelation', 'anointing' and 'favor'. My people are given equations promising blessings and automatic results. My people are being led to an escalator carrying them down instead of up! My people are burning under the heat of the sun and are parched for thirst. Who will speak My word? Who will prophesy against the dead trees and the staircase of the flesh? Who will go against the current? Who will stand up to defend My flock?"