"My beloved,
"I want you to be radiant, free, at peace
and overflowing with joy because of My love for you!
For this reason I come to you to wash you with My words.
I want to remove every spot of darkness from you
not because you have to be pure for Me to accept you,
but because I know you will be happier when you are free and washed clean!
So take heart! You have nothing to fear!
I already love you, accept you and cherish you!
Let Me remove your filthy garments and your rags.
Let Me cover your nakedness and wash you from every spot and stain.
Look in My eyes and trust My love for you,
even as I reveal dark spots you did not know you had.
Let Me wash them away as you rest in Me alone."
Art link: "Your Word"
Love the joyful colours & the life giving words! Your works exude God's hope & gentleness in a church world where often the opposing judgements swell to the forefront. Your work is prophesy at it's finest! TY for your faithfulness to pursue your craft and calling