Saturday, February 01, 2014

Babylon Is In Your Hearts!

"Messengers! I am sending
messengers to Babylon!

I have decreed the end of Babylon—
for the prayers of her oppressed
have long reached My ears,
and her bowl is nearly full.

Go to My people and cry out!
Speak My message in her midst:

'Babylon is in your hearts!
Outwardly you profess My name
but inwardly you have left Me!

Professing My name you have tried to make
a name for yourselves and your righteousness!

Professing My name you have practiced greed
and made yourselves rich!

Professing My name have used violence
to remove whoever stood
in the way of your prosperity!

Professing My name you have used politics
to gain power and called curses down
upon those who disagreed with you!

Professing My name you have undermined peace
whenever your interests were not satisfied!

Professing My name you have worshiped a beast
and encouraged it to trample down and devour
the remnant of those it had not fully destroyed!

Whom have you been serving?

Repent! Repent!

For I am coming and I will make all things right!
I will not forget the cries of your oppressed!
Weep and wail, you who are in Babylon!
Cover yourselves in sackcloth and ashes!
Turn from your ways and obey My commands!'"


Art: "Prophesied Heartache"

"I Knew From The Beginning"

"The fulfillment of the vision
which I showed John while he was on Patmos
will not be what many of you expect:

Just as the greatest enemy you will ever face
will come from inside you instead of from the outside,
so also the vision concerns the enemy inside My people
more than it concerns the enemies in the world.

When you see and understand this,
you will weep and your heart will break.

But I knew from the beginning
that My son Adam would sin against Me.

I knew from the beginning
that the king I had chosen
for Israel in the north
would lead them into idolatry and exile.

I knew from the beginning
that My people in Judah
would reject My voice
and usher in destruction
during the days of Jeremiah.

I knew from the beginning
that My own people in Judea
would reject Me when I came to them.

I knew from the beginning
that My own disciple
whom I had chosen
would betray Me.

I knew from the beginning
that the priests of My people
would hand Me over to be crucified.

I knew from the beginning
that My church would receive a crown
and would take up the sword
to pursue earthly kingdoms.

I knew from the beginning
that My people would twist My words
to create their own economic wealth
and to justify their wars.

I knew from the beginning
that My people would rebel
against My law of agape love
and would become Babylon.

I knew from the beginning
that those I had called in the past
would become a beast
attempting to regain
their former power and glory.

I knew from the beginning
that My people would prostitute
themselves to the beast.

I have known all things since the beginning,
yet I loved you and gave My life
on the Cross for all of you.

I can see the end that you cannot.
I can see the redemption that you cannot.
Trust Me and trust in My goodness."

"In all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called
according to His purpose."
(Romans 8:28)


Art: "Prophesied Heartache"