"My beloved,
I touched your lips and opened your mouth to speak My heart, but many of you have turned aside from the gospel of My Son's love to the myths and fables of conspiracies.
I made you a trumpet to sound the grace of My Spirit, the testimony of My Son which is the spirit of true prophecy.
But many of you have been receiving the winds of another spirit which speaks in misinformation, lies, and conspiracies, leading My beloved children into confusion, fear, and to a position of enmity with those I have given you to love.
Beloved, I have given you a spiritual gift and I will not take it away, but it can be used to serve a spirit which is not Mine.
Beloved, I still have plans to use your trumpet to share My heart, but first I am calling you to repent and return to the gospel and the command of My Son to love neighbor and enemy as I have loved you in Him.
Beloved, I will always love you.
Please return and remain in My love."