Saturday, December 12, 2015

"Look to the Cross in the Last Days!"

"My people,

As you see disasters, wars,
and wickedness increasing,
there are many among you
who believe that you must
turn to the tablets of stone—
the Old Covenant Law.

But I have told you that
the law of the Old Covenant
is fading and obsolete,
for it was the ministry of death
which brought condemnation,
and so with death it will pass away.

The Old Covenant Law
has never been able to offer
protection, shelter, salvation,
healing, life, or righteousness
in the midst of the world's travail
in the past, today, or in the end.

But life, healing, rest,
righteousness, shelter
and protection are found
in the love I gave you on the Cross.

Your shelter in the last days
is in living in the commands
of agape love I have given you,
in the ministry of My Spirit,
which brings life and righteousness.

Do not look to Sinai in the last days;
look instead to the Cross alone!"


Art: "The Wrong Ministry in the End"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!