Wednesday, January 20, 2021

“Call to the Wavering”

“My beloved, My prophets:

I know that sometimes you are tired

and you feel worn out.

I know that speaking

what I give you to say

makes you feel naked and exposed.

I know that sometimes

you wish you could not see—

the signs that are happening,

the love of My people growing cold,

the setting of the sun on the world.

I have given you prophetic vision—

ears to hear My heartbeat,

eyes to see as Noah did

when the rain began to fall

and people did not recognize it.

I have shown you the rising waters,

the dimming of agape love in churches,

the rocks crying out with mercy outside,

the faith that still lives in many,

and the Day of judgment that is coming.

I have called you to speak to My people

as they waver in the end times

between eating from the two trees of Eden—

one grasped for greatness and judgment,

and one only allowed by mercy and grace.

I have called you to prophesy

to My people who cannot see

that they are caught in the last days

between their desire for power

and their desire for the Cross.

I have called you, My prophets

who can still hear My heart of agape love

to call out to the precious faith

that still lives in My people,

to tell them that the fire of testing is coming.

All that is not agape love,

all that is not grace and mercy,

all that is not My Son

—the Word that endures forever—

will be consumed by the fire.

As in the days of Noah

and the days of Jeremiah,

I am calling you and sending you

to testify and call to repentance

My people who cannot see.”


Art: “Prophetic Vision

1 comment:

  1. It’s good to see you back online again. The messages encourage me.


Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!