Friday, July 26, 2013

The 'Salvation' of Christian Zionism

I am the Messiah who exalts
and favors Israel above all nations.

I am the Messiah who supports
his agenda unconditionally.

I am the Messiah who curses
those who criticize any of his deeds.

I am the Messiah who declares
that no one can make war against him.

I am the Messiah who hates Israel's enemies
and gives him victory against his neighbors.

I am the Messiah who says there can be peace
only after Israel possesses all of the land.

I am the Messiah who gives Israel the right
to take land by forcing out its inhabitants.

I am the Messiah who exalts Israel over all mankind,
and who loves only those nations that love him.

I am the Messiah who commands all nations to honor him,
and who removes economic prosperity from those who do not.

I am the Messiah who has made him to be salvation
for the nations if they support and serve him.

For I have loved the world so much
that I gave them the one and only 'Israel',
so that whosoever supports him will not perish,
but will have everlasting life.

Christians, you have heard that it was said
'love your enemy' and 'bless those who curse you',
but I tell you, and I command the nations,
to love Israel and hate his enemies.

I am the One who comes to steal, kill and destroy
those sheep who dwell in Israel's rightful pasture.
I am the One who takes away their lives
so that he may have abundance."

- The Jesus of Zionism


Art: "The Jesus of Zionism"

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