Thursday, November 01, 2012

Opposing God

"Woe to those who call themselves My people
but who discourage and stand against peacemakers!

Woe to those who say 'Peace can only come in Jesus'
as an excuse for not following His commands!

Woe to those who proclaim the doctrines of the Cross
but refuse to allow My agape love to work reconciliation!

Woe to those who refuse to stand in the gap between enemies
because they hope one side will prevail over the other!

Woe to those who refuse to teach My commandments to Israel
saying, 'We must not interfere because prophecy is being fulfilled!'

Do not be deceived:
those who intercede between enemies
and sow peace in My Son's name
are My sons and daughters,
for they have understood My heart.
But those who oppose them
do not know Me or My Son."


Art: "Not Knowing the Father"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!