Friday, November 01, 2013

Defiance of the First Trumpet

"I will sound the first trumpet and there will be
a great meteor shower upon the earth.
The nations will be scared and will look
to the works of their hands to save them.

Many who claim to understand Me will prophesy
and interpret according to their own gospel:
their way to reach heaven is for the nations to unite
in restoring and rebuilding the kingdom of Israel.
Because their interpretations will seem perfect,
many will come to join them in their labor.

But I am calling My servants to be sober
and stay awake during the time of darkness.
Hold to the righteousness of My Son alone
and His command to love neighbors and enemies.

I am not calling My people
to be united in anything but the Cross!
Woe to all who forsake the Cross for confusion!"


Art: "The First Trumpet"

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