Monday, April 06, 2015

Indian Resurrection

"Native America—

You were robbed
But I will restore what was lost

Your tribes were decimated
But I will gather you again

Your people were killed
But I will raise them to life

You were scalped
But I will crown you with honor

You were called savages
But I will call you sons and daughters

Your spirituality was forbidden
But I will restore and fulfill it

Your homes were destroyed
But I will give you an everlasting home

Your livelihood was taken away
But I will provide living bread

Your land was 'allotted' away
But I will give you the earth to inherit

Your children were taken away
But I will bring them back

You were enslaved
But I will break every chain

You were experimented on
But I will give you new bodies

Your history was denied
But I will bring out the truth

You were made into entertainment
But I will honor your dances

You were given token 'honor'
But I will give you true honor

You were made into mascots
But I will honor you for who you are

Your sacred things were cheapened
But I will restore your honor

Your heritage was abused
But I will make it radiant

Your image was romanticized
But I will show who you really are

Your clothes were made costumes
But I will dress you with honor

Your dreams were taken away
But I will restore your dreams

You were given a nightmare
But I will give you a new vision

Your freedom was taken away
But I will bring you new freedom

You were made to bear a cross
But I will redeem your suffering

For the cross I bore willingly
will redeem the cross forced upon you

My wounds
will heal your wounds

And because I arose from the tomb
so you will arise from America."


Art: "Revival In America"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!