Saturday, April 04, 2015

The Cross of Native America


When you wanted more
you took from them

When you wanted a nation
you took away theirs

When you wanted victory
you sought to defeat them

When you wanted to count bodies
you took their scalps

When you wanted justification
you said they were savages

When you wanted converts
you took away their spirituality

When you wanted land
you took away their homes

When you wanted resources
you took away their livelihood

When you wanted democracy
you took their pattern

When you wanted their reservations
you reduced theirs to 'allotments'

When you wanted annihilation
you sent their children to boarding schools

When you wanted labor
you made their children work

When you wanted to adopt
you took their sons and daughters

When you wanted guinea pigs
you experimented on them

When you wanted to deny history
you invented theories about their origins

When you wanted entertainment
you put them in shows

When you wanted to feint honor
you put their faces on your money

When you wanted mascots
you took their names and images

When you wanted spirituality
you took and cheapened theirs

When you wanted heritage
you claimed their ancestry

When you wanted romance
you undressed them in cheap novels

When you wanted Halloween costumes
you took their clothes

When you wanted sex
you took their daughters

When you wanted souvenirs
you took their sacred objects

When you wanted a national dream
you gave them a nightmare

When you wanted freedom
you took away their freedom

When you wanted easier lives
you made them bear a cross."


Art: "The Cross of American Exceptionalism"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!