"Anguish! Anguish! My heart is in anguish for the deceived and for those who will be deceived! My heart is in anguish for many among My people who are pouring their love into a form resembling Me, but which at heart is of the antichrist.
"See! See! The antichrist does not come to you from outside, but from among you, the same as when he rode out from among the early church. Even now he works among you, but you do not recognize him because he shapes himself to look like Me: he speaks of power, dominion, authority and might. And because he speaks in My name, you accept him, forgetting that My name spoken without My heart is not My name at all.
"And so I have also told you that the antichrist is the man of lawlessness—he is against My law of agape love. He is against the spirit of the Cross.
"Do not look at appearances, but seek to understand the spirit of things. If you look at appearances, you will not see when the antichrist comes as a movement, as a company of false prophets and teachers instead of as a single charismatic leader. Many false prophets will appear from within My temple—the Church. Among you the movement will declare My name but not with My heart. It will profess to be My kingdom, but will be rebellion against My command to love one another as I have loved you.
"I am agape love; if you reject My love, you rebel against Me. If you do not submit to My law of agape love (even to My command to love your enemies), then you do not submit to My lordship. If you will not live in My love, you will not abide in Me.
"The agape love of the Cross is foolishness to the wisdom of the world, and so the antichrist will speak with the wisdom of the world in order to change My law of agape love. The antichrist will declare that the time of My kingdom has come, and will call all people to join in the movement to take possession of their inheritance.
"But My kingdom is not of this world, and My servants do not need to fight to gain it, nor do they need to fight to avoid losing it. Behold, the hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber! Love one another as I have loved you—even your enemies—for the night is nearly over and the day is almost here."
See also: "Running in the Dark" (art link)
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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!