Saturday, June 18, 2011

"Will You Accept My Cry?"

"Will You Accept My Cry?"

"My people! What are you crying out to Me for?
What do you really want?
Are you ready for what I want to give you most?

"I know you want to see My power, My glory, My reign and My dominion. I know you are excited about the supernatural, about revelations, about healings, signs and wonders.

"I love you. You are My children and I love to delight you. But will you love Me less if I do not give you that which you crave? Will you be satisfied if all I have to share with you is My heart?

"I am sometimes lonely among you, My children, because you ask Me for candy but don't wait to listen to what's on My heart. You are with Me in fair weather, ever-ready to receive My joy and laughter, but where are My friends who will mourn with Me when I mourn? Who will ask Me to share in My grief?

"For those who ask, I will pour out My Spirit of mourning for My only Son. I will let you share in My heart, the heart of the Father who gave His only Son. I will share with you My breaking heart for all of your brothers and sisters who desire candy instead of My broken heart of love for My Son and for you all.

"Will you accept My heart? Will you cry with Me? Will you share in My heart's cry?"


See also: "Anointing" (art link)

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!