Monday, June 20, 2011

Pursuing Muck

"Pursuing Muck"

"I am calling you to weep and travail for My children who are happy to be stuck in the mud. I am calling you to receive My anguish for them! Grief! Grief! Many of My children are not only happy in the mud, but they are seeking to wade further and further into the mud!

"Many of My children are leaving the simplicity of My Son! They are leaving dry land for a swamp! They are eager to learn new words, new principles, new language and 'advanced' things, but they do not realize they are learning muck in My sight.

"Do not be carried away, My children! Do not wander away from My Son! Do not leave the Cross! While you have the light, put your faith in the light instead of finding new shadows to pursue, for night is coming soon!"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!