Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fomenting Enmity

"Cry! Cry! Cry and wail! For My people have become ministers of enmity instead of ministers of reconciliation! My people have become conflict-fomenters instead of peacemakers! My people speak justifications for war instead of the justification of the Cross! My people proclaim Israel's inheritance of land instead of My inheritance of the nations! My people preach faith in guns instead of faith in the gospel!

"Cry! Cry! Cry and wail! For My people encourage Israel to harden her heart instead of to embrace the Cross! My people preach hope in defeating enemies instead of loving them! My people preach that taking what is yours comes first before loving your neighbor! My people encourage and send Jews into the fire, and store up fire for themselves! My people 'stand' with Israel in actions that are against Me in order to gain My blessing and My favor!

"Cry! Cry! Cry and wail! For I have declared that not everyone who says to Me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom, but only those who do My will! Cry and wail, because My people are attempting to discern My will by label, name, flesh, sand and dust! My people are proclaiming My name but are transgressing the Law of My Son, to love one another—even enemies—in agape as I loved you while you were My enemies!

"Cry! Cry! Cry and wail! For a great deception has arisen among My people—a lawlessness that encourages inheritance over My commands! Cry and wail, for a great deception has taught that My favor and blessing come through honoring the flesh of Israel instead of through Christ alone! Cry and wail, because My people have been astonished with the whole world at the healing of the wound of Israel, who arose from ships on the sea after being exiled by the sword of Rome! Cry and wail, for My people encourage the rest of the world to honor Israel, to say she is favored by God, to give her rights and to allow her to act however she wishes! Cry! Cry! Cry and wail! For My people are forming themselves into a great city of confusion—they are attempting to reach My throne by their works and support for Israel! Cry! Cry! Cry and wail for they have turned from My love to seek the favor of another!

"Cry! Cry! Cry and wail for the innocent in Israel and Palestine—the descendants of the ancient kingdoms of Judah and Israel! Cry and wail for those who have not heard My name spoken with My love! Cry and wail for those whose ears have been cut off by the sword of war for land! Cry and wail for those who hold to My testimony and obey My commands, for they shall be persecuted and reviled because they did not follow those who were astonished.

"Cry and wail, for I am coming soon and I will judge! I make war with justice and in righteousness, and I the Lord do not show favoritism or partiality! I will defend the cause of the needy, the orphan, the outcast and the widow. I will come to reward My servants the prophets and the peacemakers."

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!