Sunday, November 13, 2011

Father's Heart

"Father’s Heart"

"My people! My people! Why are you chasing after shadows? Why are you seeking 'mantles', 'anointings', tithes and 'shekinah' glory? Haven't I shown you My glory in the face of My Son and given you fullness in Him? Haven't I given you all things in My son—in Christ and Him crucified?

"You have wandered from your first love, and your devotion has been given to the pursuit of power, authority and 'prophetic' insights. And so you have lost sight of the one thing that is needful. Growing in Me does not mean being in trances, speaking in 'spiritual' terms, prophesying to crowds or declaring 'open heavens'.

"Return! Return to your first works! Return to the simplicity of the Cross!"


Art link: "Father's Exchange"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!