Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Old Judgment

"Old Judgment"

"The Old is obsolete! The Old is obsolete! My people, I do not judge you or the nations by the Old Covenant any longer! The death of My Son has put an end to the Old Covenant! His blood has released you from its ministry of condemnation.

"Do not look to the stone tablets of the Old Covenant to understand My judgment!
Do not look to the nation I made the Old Covenant with to understand My judgment!
Do not look to the prophets of the Old Covenant times to understand My judgment!

"Look to My Son!
Look to the Cross!
Look to My command to love one another
as I have loved you
while you were My enemies!

"If you proclaim judgment according to the Old Covenant, you are proclaiming the ministry of death and condemnation."


Art link: "The Plundering of Sheol"

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