Saturday, March 31, 2012

Knowledge of Christ or Shadows

"I tell you the truth,
a time is coming and has now come
when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God
and those who hear will live."

(John 5:25)

"The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber,
because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed."

(Romans 13:11)


"Awake, My beloved!
The time has come for you
to come out of the slumber of the law!
The time has come for you
to put on My righteousness alone,
and to be clothed in compassion for all—
even for your enemies.

"I will give you light,
but if you remain entombed
by the righteousness of the ministry of death,
you will not be able to see My light in the darkness.
If your knowledge is from discerning
who is good and who is evil,
My command to love your enemies will be set aside
in favor of the ministry of condemnation.

"Arise from the law,
and I will give you light!"


Art: "Time to Stop Sleeping"

Friday, March 30, 2012

Arms of Comfort

"My child,

I have carried every one of your sorrows
and felt every one of your pains.

I know how hard it is for you to speak words
that people do not want to hear.

I have experienced every grief you will ever experience—
and I have redeemed them on the Cross!

As you share in My grief,
and as you share My heart with others
when I command you to,
I will hold you safe in My arms
and I will remind you
that I have foreseen these things—
and redeemed them on the Cross.

Do not be afraid.
I will hold you close to My heart;
and as you share in My sufferings,
so also you will share in My comfort."


Art: "My Perfect Beloved"

Ears to Hear Revelation

"Understanding the sealed writings
will be a prophetic declaration to expose
the hidden idolatry of those who profess to be My people
but who do not know Me or love My ways.

"My Son has already been revealed;
the unsealing of the end-times prophecies
will not complete the gospel,
for it is already complete.
Instead the unsealing of the prophecies
will reveal My Son in contrast to the altar
many have built to their own 'Christ'.

"Those who are wise will understand—
those who have heard My words and put them into practice.
But those who say, 'Lord, Lord' and set aside My commands,
will continue in their rebellion.

"The words of My prophets—past and present—
will be a witness to those who have ears,
but will be rejected by those who choose their own 'way.'

"Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit says—
the Spirit who testifies to Jesus and His commands."


Art: "The Witness of Revelation"

As He Commanded

"Hear My heart!
I have commanded you to love as I loved you
because the world will not know My love for them
by any greater means.

"But among many of you My commands are seen as secondary
to preaching the condemnation of the law.
Declaring the knowledge of good and evil
is what 'ministry' means to many of you.

"But My love is the true fruit of the Tree of Life.
My command is that you minister life, not death!"


The offering plate:

"I have called you to give your lives
to one another as an offering to Me."

The sackcloth:

"I have called you to mourn with those who mourn,
with understanding and sympathy."

The cross:

"I have called you to identify with sinners
and intercede by loving them
rather than judging them."

The stone:

"I have called you to love your enemies as I loved you,
to receive My heart of flesh for them
rather than keeping a heart of stone towards them."

The chains:

"I have called you to suffer
for the sake of all whom I want to save,
regardless of whether they seem good or evil."


"Do you call Me 'Lord'?
Let the one who calls Me 'Lord' hear what I command,
and walk in it."


Art: "Lord, Lord"

The Only Secret

"I have not spoken in secret."
(Isaiah 45:19)

"I am the revelation of heaven!
I am the wonder of the hosts of heaven!
I am the glory of the Father!
I am the mystery of God
and I am the heart of God!

"There is no higher revelation
than Him who is the very Word of God.
There is no greater work
than His finished work.
There is no further anointing
than the Spirit poured out by the Anointed One.

"Do not let anyone deceive you!
Do not be led astray by another gospel!"


Art: "The Kingdom of Heaven"

Prostituting For 'More'

"My beloved, My dearest, look to Me!
Look to me instead of to the law!
I am all the prosperity that you need!

"The inheritance I keep for you in heaven is My inheritance,
given to you freely because of My grace,
not earned by your obedience to what you think brings My favor.

"You think that you know the secrets to finding My favor
and gaining prosperity for yourselves,
but you don't realize that you have treated Me
as if you were a prostitute trying to get a customer!

"Because you have approached Me through 'principles'
you have never been able to rest,
but have always needed to 'go somewhere'—
to a 'higher level' or 'forward,'
into 'more authority' or 'a new anointing.'

"Beloved, I do not want you to have 'more' or to 'increase'—
I want you to return to your first love
and to lose yourselves in My heart.

"My love is everything!"


Art: "Beaten By the Cold"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rebellious Nation

"Pride! My children in America have built their own tower,
glorying in their power and prosperity,
and serving their own vision.

"My name has been added to their own agenda,
decorating their pride
and sanctioning it in their eyes.

"My kingdom is not an earthly country.
My ways are not the American way.
My foundation is not America's foundation.

"My foundation is My Son.
My law is love.
My kingdom is not of this world.

"You are confused, My children in America!
You have blinded yourselves by professing My name
while serving the gods of your heart—
greed, prosperity, pride and power!
My Son's name has become an ornament to you,
decorating the edifice of your patriotism!

"Turn from your rebellion!
Embrace My righteousness
instead of your own!"


Art: "Edifice"

Monday, March 26, 2012

Love Always Protects Our Hearts!

by Hazel Holland

It breaks my heart to see so many believers in Christian forums taking warnings of judgment that were given to ancient Israel and applying them to America today! I'm sure that they believe this is what God desires that they do. But is this God's heart, or is this happening because of what we have been taught growing up in the church?

The problem, as I see it, is that in taking warnings of judgment that were given to ancient Israel and using them to bring a message of warning to America today, we nullify the new covenant gospel. All judgment and wrath for sin and disobedience to the Law were placed upon God's Son on the cross... instead of being placed upon us.

As a result of Jesus' sacrifice for our sins the old covenant was fulfilled, and thus became obsolete after He died. Now we live under a new covenant that is not a repeat of the old. It is a much better covenant that was made between the Father and the Son on our behalf.

Therefore, we must no longer hang on to any old covenant teachings and continue to use them to try and explain what is happening in the world today. All old covenant teachings must be re-interpreted in the light of the new covenant gospel. If we don't see Old Testament scripture through the lens of the cross, we will distort and misrepresent God's heart!

Jesus is now God's final Word to us. His heart was laid bare on the cross so that we could see His heart of love for all people, and know that God is not the one who is bringing His wrath upon anyone because it has already been placed upon His Son. We have already been forgiven in Christ for our past, present and future sins. It's finished!

Yes, God allows bad things to happen as a result of sin in men's hearts, but He isn't the One who is bringing the bad stuff. He wants to protect our hearts because He loves us. A Father's love always protects!

That's why God wants to let us know that the pain and suffering that happens to all of us is a result of living in a sinful world. But He assures us that He will be with us as we go through difficult times, and He will use it to uniquely qualify us for the future that He has already planned for us in Him.

I believe that every grueling experience that we go through in life is God preparing us for our purpose in life. Yes, even the bad things that happen to us which the enemy uses to try and destroy our life's purpose, God lovingly uses to build us up...

That's because God's ultimate purpose is to protect our hearts because He loves us. But we, more often than not, would rather He protect our flesh. Somehow we seem to forget that our flesh is temporary and will one day pass away. But our hearts that God has renewed by His Spirit are eternal and will be with Him forever! ♥

God's love always protects our hearts!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Slave to 'Freedom'

"Are you free, My people in America?

"You prize your freedom above all things;
you sing of it, praise it,
fight for it and die for it.

"You fear above all things the loss of your freedom;
you suspect and accuse one another of conspiring to take it,
and you store up weapons to prepare to defend it by force.

"My people, you have traded the liberty for which Christ set you free
for your own sovereignty and earthly freedom instead.
You have become slaves
held in bondage to your desire for earthly freedom,
and to the constant insecurity of it being taken away from you.

"Leave your chains, My people!
Choose My freedom!
Only the Son can set you truly free!"


See also: Fear of Slavery (a dream)
Art link: "Slave to Desire"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Afraid to Admit Reality

"My beautiful child,
what are you doing here?

"Why have you been working so hard
to prove you are correct and are special?
Why are you so afraid of recognizing
how poor, blind and naked you are?

"Do not be afraid to recognize
and admit your unrighteousness.
Do not fear the existence of mistakes in your past
and errors in your beliefs.

"You are only hurting yourself by hiding from them.
You don't need to be better, more correct,
or more 'right' than others.
You only need Me!

"Let Me rescue you from prostitution!
Let go of pride and self-justification—
you are only soiling your clothes further!
Let Me wash you instead!"


Art: "Beautiful"

Monday, March 12, 2012

"My Peace Will Guard You"

"I've got you, My people!
No one can snatch you out of My hand!

"Neither death nor danger,
destruction nor disaster,
conflict nor calamity,
nor any other tribulation,
will be able to come between Me and My redeemed ones!

"I have promised to be with you in tribulation,
and My peace will be your dwelling.
Be confident in My faithfulness."


Art: "In The Tabernacle"

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Who Must Increase?

"What is the good news that I told you to share?
Did I send you forth to proclaim signs & wonders?
Did I commission you to tell the world how to receive healings?
Did I command you to preach about prosperity?

"Who are My apostles and prophets?
Who proclaims the Cross as the fullness of God?
Who preaches carrying your own cross to follow Me?
Who says it is better to give than to get something back?

"Who will be as the apostle Paul—
glorying in weakness at the end of the procession?
Who will be like the prophet John the Baptist—
never performing a miracle in his life but content to point to Me?"


Art link: "My Cross"

Monday, March 05, 2012

Turning Away

"My Son is what is important!
The Cross is the only way!
I have given you My all in My Son, crucified for you!

"My Son is the kingdom!
My Son is the promised land!
My Son is the only righteousness you need!

"Do not be led astray trying to gain My favor,
trying to fulfill what you think is My will,
or trying to bring about what you think is My kingdom.
Do not look away from the Cross!"


Art: "Other Ways"

Glory, In Tribulation

"In the midst of tribulation,
I am with you,
and My glory rises upon you.

"I am your life,
and I am your eternal victory.
In Me you are already seated in heaven,
and are before My throne day and night.

"Look to Me during the night
and I will be your light."


Art: "Day And Night"

Friday, March 02, 2012

Not of This Earth

"I am at rest!
I am not afraid of what you are afraid of, My people.
I am the Beginning and the End—
I see the end of all things,
and I have joy!

"The earth will shake,
the skies will fall,
the nations will be in conflict,
and oppression will increase;
but I cannot be moved.

"Peace I give you in Myself—
not in the world.
My peace is not in politics or laws;
My peace is not won by your wars.
My righteousness is not accomplished by your efforts.

"Behold, I am enthroned!
I am above the kingdoms of the earth,
and My peace cannot be taken away!
My throne is secure,
and I will inherit the nations.

"I do not need the praises of governments
or the acknowledgement of My name in the laws of the nations.
Do not leave My peace by seeking these things;
do not confuse My kingdom with the kingdoms of the world.
I desire only hearts, My people!"


Art: "Above All"


"I am the Strong Tower,
I am your sanctuary.
In Me you are safe,
and you are saved by My faithfulness.
I will never let you go.
I am He who loses none of His children.
Trust in My unfailing strength."


Art: "Unfailing Strength"

"To Know Me"

"He did what was right and just...
He defended the cause of the poor and needy...
Is that not what it means to know me?" declares the Lord.
(Jeremiah 22:15-16)

"What does it mean to be My people?
What does it mean to say that you belong to Me?
What does it mean to know Me?

"Do you know the poor among you?
Do you know the outcast among you?
Do you love the 'sinners' among you?

"I came among you, as one of you,
was numbered with the transgressors,
and made intercession for you all.

"Will you follow Me?"


Art link: "Window In The Skies"