Friday, March 30, 2012

Arms of Comfort

"My child,

I have carried every one of your sorrows
and felt every one of your pains.

I know how hard it is for you to speak words
that people do not want to hear.

I have experienced every grief you will ever experience—
and I have redeemed them on the Cross!

As you share in My grief,
and as you share My heart with others
when I command you to,
I will hold you safe in My arms
and I will remind you
that I have foreseen these things—
and redeemed them on the Cross.

Do not be afraid.
I will hold you close to My heart;
and as you share in My sufferings,
so also you will share in My comfort."


Art: "My Perfect Beloved"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!