Friday, March 30, 2012

As He Commanded

"Hear My heart!
I have commanded you to love as I loved you
because the world will not know My love for them
by any greater means.

"But among many of you My commands are seen as secondary
to preaching the condemnation of the law.
Declaring the knowledge of good and evil
is what 'ministry' means to many of you.

"But My love is the true fruit of the Tree of Life.
My command is that you minister life, not death!"


The offering plate:

"I have called you to give your lives
to one another as an offering to Me."

The sackcloth:

"I have called you to mourn with those who mourn,
with understanding and sympathy."

The cross:

"I have called you to identify with sinners
and intercede by loving them
rather than judging them."

The stone:

"I have called you to love your enemies as I loved you,
to receive My heart of flesh for them
rather than keeping a heart of stone towards them."

The chains:

"I have called you to suffer
for the sake of all whom I want to save,
regardless of whether they seem good or evil."


"Do you call Me 'Lord'?
Let the one who calls Me 'Lord' hear what I command,
and walk in it."


Art: "Lord, Lord"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!