Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The American Patriot's Gospel

Yesterday when I was looking up a Bible verse online, I saw an advertisement for "The American Patriot's Bible." I read the description, watched part of the video, turned it off, and continued with what I was doing. Later at night God stopped me, saying He wanted to respond to the "Patriot's Bible" and wanted me to paint a picture.

I looked and saw what seemed to be an old battle-torn American flag, somehow on top of a Bible. At first I assumed it was the famous Fort McHenry flag which I had seen many times at the Smithsonian's American History Museum in Washington D.C., but that wasn't it. And it wasn't a regular painting He wanted me to do.

After I prayed and asked more, He asked me to do this:

"Take a Bible and open it to John 18,
for My people in America have judged My Son,
rejected and condemned His teaching.

Cut out verses 11 and 36,
for America was founded with the sword,
a kingdom of this world established with violence.

Burn the edges of the Bible,
for the fire of the passion of their patriotism
is stronger than their passion for My Son.

Paint an American flag over the gospel,
for American Christianity sees 'Old Glory' first
and reads the scripture as through a veil.

Paint the white stripes with white-out,
for belief in American righteousness is used
to whitewash its history and My words.

Use a New Testament that you received freely,
for I gave you the New Covenant freely through Christ's blood,
but America replaced it with a freedom earned by its own blood.

Woe! Since the beginning American Christians
have defiled My word and profaned My name
by shedding blood for the sake of their own gain!"


But Lord, I protested, I don't want to do this to a Bible! It hurts!

"This is what they have done to My word. It hurts Me, too."

But I don't want to offend anyone, Lord...

"They don't worry about offending Me."

I obeyed, and I wept.


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  1. Moving! It grieves my heart as well. It is open idolatry and it surely grieves the Spirit. Nationalism is the moder Baal. Great, Ramone, your art spekas to me only slightly less than your heart.

  2. I find myself weeping over this with groaning! This picture really speaks to the heart of the matter... and perhaps for some will be worth more than a thousand words once the veil is removed...

  3. What further hit me so hard here is that so many American Christians see 'Old Glory' first, and read the Scripture as through a veil...

    I truly believe that this veil is over many believer's hearts because Old Covenant teachings are being embraced and glorified instead of New Covenant teachings that are founded on Christ's shed blood. You can't mix the old with the new. You can't be disciples of Moses and Jesus. You must choose who you will worship!

  4. Amen. Few admit the idolatry in American patriotism, but God sees and is not ok with it. His kingdom is not of this world, but we have chosen a worldly kingdom over His while pretending to be His ambassadors.

  5. It was a blessing to come across this post. I've given a link to it on my own blog.

    Insightful post and an incredible artwork.



  6. This is POWERFUL and amazing work PRAISE JESUS. God Bless You for conveying this most desperately needed message.

  7. Not much makes me cry, but this did. I know this is God's truth being shown through your willing heart and talent.


Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!