Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Not the Things of God!

"My people, I am not going to give you
the power that you are seeking in politics.

Were I to give it to you,
you would not know it.
Were you to gain it by flesh,
you would not know it.
You will take it by your own means,
without Me or My blessing.

The power you are seeking is
not the power that I long to give you.
I called you to take up the cross,
but you have rejected the cross
in favor of seizing the crown,
the crown offered to My Son by Satan.

No matter how much you claim to fight for Me,
if you take up the crown He rejected
and reject the cross He took up,
then you do not know Me.

No one knows Me who has rejected My Son.
If you have not listened to His word,
taken up your cross, and followed in His steps,
then you do not know Me.

Repent! Turn around,
and embrace the cross!"


Art: "Not of This World"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!