Friday, August 10, 2012

From the Earth

"Why are you falling asleep, My people?
The end times are unfolding before your eyes!
The beast from the earth stands in front of you!

"The lawless preach rebellion in My temple,
nullifying My kingdom and My commandment of agape love
by preaching nationalism and Zionism instead.

"Those who are called 'prophets' and 'interpreters'
teach My people to set aside the righteousness of the Cross
and to bow to the image of 'Israel' instead.

"The great delusion has already begun and the spirit
of antichrist is enthroned in the Most Holy Place,
its voice accepted as being the voice of God.

"My witnesses testify in sackcloth
about the great apostasy among My people,
calling them to repent and return to the gospel.

"But My witnesses are rejected and accused by those
who do not want to hear about My perfect love and My commands,
but who only want to hear what their itching ears want to hear.

"Tell Me, My children,
where is the beast
from the earth?"


Art: "Breath of the Image"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!