Monday, September 22, 2014

The Captives Will Be Freed

"My servants who speak My heart,

I have allowed you
to share in My grief
when you see your fellow
brother and sister believers
speaking judgment about
unbelievers and those who
they believe are My enemies.

You have mourned with Me
over their blindness
and their rush to condemn.
You have grieved with Me
over their peddling fear
and their desire to spread
their 'gospel' of alarmism.

I will rescue from them many
who have been captive
to their word and their teachings;
I will set free from fear many
who have been fed with
the teachings of false prophets
and the spirit of despair.

Do not be discouraged,
for I am protecting and shielding
My children who seek Me
with simple childlike faith,
and I will not leave them
in captivity and perpetual alarm;
I will call them to freedom.

My sheep will hear My voice—
no one can snatch them
out of My hand."


Art: "It's Time to Prophesy"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!