"My people, many of you have been distressed by the decisions of leaders in your land. Many of you are panicking because your fears appear to be coming true.
"And so you have come to Me, like Elijah when he came to Horeb. Why are you here, and why are you afraid?
"Are you upset because people have not listened to you, acknowledged My name like you thought they were supposed to, or walked in the way you thought I wanted them to? Are you upset because things seemed to be going well in the past, but now you think you're going to lose everything you thought had been gained in your land?
"Don't you know that all things work together for the good of those who love Me?
"Your reaction to these events is more important than the events themselves. Will your peace be taken away? Will your joy be quenched? Will your love towards your leaders and those you call 'enemies' wax cold? Will you turn from proclaiming the good news of My Son and instead expend your energy forecasting imminent woe because of these events?
"Will you be a light on a hill, or will you join the chorus of darkness?"
See also: "Elijah At Horeb" (art link)
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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!