Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"This is How You Know"

"This is How You Know"

No one has ever seen God.
But the Only Son —
who is in the bosom of the Father —
He has revealed Him.
(John 1:18)

"I am God, and I am love.
I am My means; I am My way.
There is no other way but Me.
I am the Word, and My Word is Myself.

"Therefore, when a prophet, teacher or leader
declares to you a way different from My agape love,
they do not speak My way;
when they declare a different way,
they declare a different God,
even if they profess My name.
When they declare their words are God's way,
they are declaring of themselves,
'I am the Christ'."


See also: "Delivered!" (at Heart For Adventists)

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!