Sunday, August 21, 2011

"Let Me Heal You!"

"Let Me Heal You!"

"To My children in charismatic churches—

"I know you don't want to argue or fight about doctrines, and I love your desire to know My Spirit and to bring people to Me. But I also know that you are afraid of examining your foundation. Many of you have forgotten that My Spirit is not only the Spirit of Power, but is also the Spirit of Truth.

"When your teachings are questioned, you often rush to assume that the other person is trying to distract you from what I want you to do. You already know what you need to know, you believe, so now you only need power to heal the sick and raise the dead. But you don't know that I want to heal your heart more than I want to heal your body! You don't know that I love you unconditionally even when you are wrong about something. Deep inside many of you are afraid to allow My Word to expose your foundation, because you aren't sure that I love you and you are afraid of invalidating the works I've done through you before.

"Yet I told you that you may prophesy, heal the sick, cast out spirits and raise the dead without letting Me know you. All of the works you are seeking can be done without being close to Me.

"I want you more than I want your works or even My works done through you! Let Me know you! Don't be afraid of letting Me expose your foundation to you. Trust Me—I only show you your wounds because I want to heal them and set you free. So I'm asking you to unbind My Spirit, for in your fear you have tied My hands from healing you in the deepest places. Don't be afraid—I am the Spirit of Truth, and I love you!"

1 comment:

Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!