Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Pure Kingdom

"The Pure Kingdom"

"I am calling you to return to the simplicity that is in My Son, Jesus. Unless you become as little children, you cannot see My kingdom. Many of you have lost sight of My kingdom and have been led astray from simple devotion to Christ because you have thought that My kingdom was about many things: learning 'advanced' truths, attaining more 'anointing', winning the 'culture war', 'standing with Israel', making 'Christian' nations, and more.

"Many of you have become worried and upset about many things, and are losing sight of the gospel as you assume that My kingdom in the earth is advanced or set back based on these things. But My kingdom is none of these things! My kingdom is My Son, and My kingdom was won on the Cross. My kingdom is grace and agape love.

"Become a child again and see! See the simplicity of your first love!"


See also: "Jesus!" (art link)

1 comment:

Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!