Monday, August 01, 2011

Seeking to Devour

"Seeking to Devour"

"My sons and daughters,

"Discernment! I am calling you to exercise discernment! I have given you fruit and vineyards. I have given you My Spirit and My love for My children. I have sent many brothers and sisters to help you because the work has been so large. Word has gone out about the fruit I have given you and about the need for laborers in the vineyard.

"I am calling you to exercise discernment, because not all who come have been called. Not all who proclaim My name are filled with My heart. Not all who proclaim My kingdom truly understand what My heart values and what is important to Me.

"My treasures are people—not land, not ministries, not proclamations or meetings. I have given you the privilege of serving people whom I love. They are My treasures.

"When workers among you serve an agenda instead of serving the people I have set before you, at that time you must stand for My people. I am calling you to seek Me and discern the spirits. Not all who proclaim My name understand what spirits they are following. I am calling you to intercede not only for the people, but also for the workers who have not discerned the difference between My voice and the voice of other spirits.

"At times I will command you to rebuke and discipline those who are being used by the enemy to devour the people whom I love. Do not be afraid of your own weakness. Do not be afraid that the work will suffer, for I am able to save whether by many or by few. Do not be afraid of grieving My Spirit when I command you to defend the people I love so much. Be shepherds of the flock entrusted to your care. I am with you always."

1 comment:

Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!