Saturday, February 04, 2012

'Don’t Hurt the Flesh!'

"Don’t Hurt the Flesh!"

"Words! Words! My people cannot hear My words
because of all the 'prophetic' words spoken in the flesh!
Many of My people have become so accustomed to the sound of the flesh
that the sound of My voice is unpleasant to them!
They learn to judge by how 'positive' a word sounds to them!

"I do not speak to tickle your ears.
I do not tell you of things to come
in order to put you in awe of 'the prophetic.'
I give prophecy to tell you of My Son!
I speak words to urge you to put your faith in the Word—My Son!

"The spirit of prophesy is the testimony of My Son,
not the testimony of 'the prophetic' or 'the power of prophesy.'
Woe to those who speak in My name when I have not spoken!
Woe to those who will not allow My Word to wash them!
Woe to those who protect their flesh from Me!"


Art: "The Daily Dirt"

1 comment:

  1. False prophecy does not always come from ‘bad people.’ It comes from those who ‘hear themselves,’ are trying too hard to prophesy or whose souls pick up on what the ‘soulishness’ around them wants to hear. It can also come from the mouths of those who have a fetish or made a work of ‘hearing God.’ I’ve known some who gather around ‘hearing God’ like we are meant to gather around Jesus. At the best we will hear stuff of no consequence. At the worst from someone who is not God.


Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!