Tuesday, August 19, 2014

She Who Rides On The Beast

"Listen, My beloved, and I will tell you
about the prostitution of My people.
My beloved was persecuted by those
who had vowed to shepherd her.
I picked her up and removed her
from the house of her abusers.
I taught her My wisdom and set her
on the rock of My one and only Son.
She stood in My strength and broke free
from the bondage and the lies she was taught.

"A Better Covenant"

As her understanding grew,
she began to systemize what I had taught her.
But she did not wait for Me to reveal
what I had sealed for the end of time,
and she began to insatiably desire
to have all the prophecies interpreted.
She sought explanation of the end times
more than she sought Me,
and listened to teachers who gave her
the answers her heart coveted.
She began to build new foundations
further and further from the Rock.
She found her assurance and anchor
in their interpretations instead of
in what My Son did for her on the cross.

She fashioned and formed
a new image based on the circumcision,
dividing My people and My word.
She invented a new hope for herself
beyond what I had promised her,
and made the circumcision into
the only hope for the rest of the world.
Her theology replaced My Son
as she reshaped the gospel:
He became the way to bring about
the exaltation of the chosen people,
instead of being the Chosen One
to whom the prophets pointed
and who died for all of mankind.

Many years later when the circumcision
sought to return to their homeland,
My beloved believed it was the fulfillment
of her interpretations of the prophets.
The image she had created seemed to come to life,
and she gave herself in devotion to her new lover.
My beloved had fallen in love with the image
she had created of 'Israel' in her heart.

She set aside My Son and His commands
and stepped away from My teachings—
the house built on the one and only Rock.
She put her faith in her teachings
and the house she had built on the sand;
she prepared for the day of flooding
by putting her trust in 'the chosen people'
instead of in the Chosen One.

As Israel became like the beasts
who had persecuted him in the past
in order to regain his land,
My beloved also became unthinking and unfeeling,
like brute beasts whose only law was
to prostitute herself to the desires of a beast.
She placed herself upon his back,
and as a rider led by the untamed desires of her mount,
she rode wherever the 'chosen ones' led her
instead of staying upon the one and only immovable Rock.
From atop her new mount
she declared his wonders and praises.
When he went into battle she supported him;
when he was victorious she declared,
"Who is like him, and who can stand against him?"

To those who did not follow him,
she proclaimed curses and used her wealth
to block their power to trade.
Those who favored him she rewarded
with her buying and her selling,
dividing the nations on his behalf.
She marked herself on the forehead with her beliefs
and upon her right hand with her actions.
She judged all mankind in the same way she judged herself—
marked by whether they honored the circumcision
instead of whether they honored the Lamb and His commands.
My people exchanged the kingdom I had given them
for the earthly kingdom of Israel.

I cried through many messengers
for My people to return to the truth.
But My people would not turn from their idolatry.
Every rebuke I sent was judged as being critical;
questioning Israel was considered blasphemous,
and My messengers were accused of being anti-Semitic.
My people became proud of their determination
to never turn from their theology.

Those who have prophesied to My people
that they must "stand with Israel"
—they are the Antichrist.
I did not prophesy through them
and tell My people to follow Israel.
They have deceived many of My people.
They have lured my people
from the Rock to rebellion.
They have set up in My temple
their own image of Israel.
They have turned my people from the cross,
and their rebellion will bring desolation.

My beloved!
My precious beloved!
Do not be destroyed for lack of knowledge!
Those who teach you to follow Israel
instead of walking in My commands
—they are deceiving you!
They have set you on the path
that ends in desolation
instead of the path that leads to life!
They have taught you to ignore the spirit
of the one who comes to steal, kill and destroy!
Turn back to My ways!
Turn back to My ways!


  1. I spent many years being a christian zionist, I know the power of this idol and how it bites off the hand of anyone who touches or exposes it. It is a lustful, dominering beast. It took several years for Father to free from this idol...it was painful but the change it produced in my heart was unspeakabley glorious! Thank you for expressing your love for Him by posting a very difficult, unpopular-but true rendering of the situation.

  2. note from nobody: Yes, amen. It took the Holy Spirit opening my eyes as well, before i saw the truth. And thank you Ramone for again, obeying the Lord. God bless you both...

  3. Well put. Many false teachers lead people astray in that way not knowing (or knowing) that it is wrong. It is part of the end times deception that will lead people astray to following the antichrist. I see this with people too and it makes me sad too, it's like they have fallen in love with Israel and believe everything false teachers tell them that they have to do, like a slave army. Instead of Jesus, Israel is their mascot, their false idol. If they would truly see Jesus in all His glory they would fall in love with Him and worship Him only. That is what the early church did and that is all that we need as well.
    Well I love Jesus the Shepherd and it's Him that I'm holding on to.
    God bless you!
    ( :


Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!