Monday, September 29, 2014

"Your Kingdom or Mine?"

"Do you love your nation more than Me?

Is your safety from your enemies
more important than
following My commands?

Is your duty to your kingdom
greater than your loyalty
to My kingdom?

Are you willing to sacrifice your enemies,
your neighbors or innocent people
in order to keep your place?

Would you stand in My truth
even if doing so meant that
you might lose your country?"

“If we let him go on like this,
everyone will believe in him,
and then the Romans will come and
take away both our place and our nation.”

Then one of them, named Caiaphas,
who was high priest that year, spoke up,
“You know nothing at all!
You do not realize that it is better for you
that one man die for the people
than that the whole nation perish.”

(John 11:48-50)


Art: "The Sin of Nationalism"

Friday, September 26, 2014

Life Through Repentance

"My faithful servants,

I am going to give you
more words to speak
that will be difficult for many
of My people to hear.

I will testify about the rebellion
of many of My people against
the commands of My Son
and their dangerous course.

Do not be afraid to proclaim
what I command you to speak,
but stand firm in My love for them
by calling them back to the Rock.

I discipline those whom I love,
and I will not abandon My people
to their ways but will call them
to life through repentance."


Art: "Sharing the Burden"

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Do Not Fear What They Fear"

"To My people in Babylon,

I have put you in the midst
of those who claim to worship Me
but who follow the teachings
of a different 'Christ'.

I have called you to intercede
for your neighbors and your family
whose hearts are set on the
desires of Babylon the Great.

I have set you like a light
on a hill in the time of darkness,
and a beacon of My love and grace
to many who live in law and fear.

Stand firm in My teachings
and do not be afraid of what they fear.
Do not be distracted by
what they call conspiracy.

I have given you one gospel,
one King, one kingdom
and one salvation—
stand in My faithfulness.

The hopes of Babylon will fall,
the kingdoms of the earth will disappear,
the pride of the nations will vanish;
but those who hope in Me will endure forever."


Art: "Standing On Sand"

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Captives Will Be Freed

"My servants who speak My heart,

I have allowed you
to share in My grief
when you see your fellow
brother and sister believers
speaking judgment about
unbelievers and those who
they believe are My enemies.

You have mourned with Me
over their blindness
and their rush to condemn.
You have grieved with Me
over their peddling fear
and their desire to spread
their 'gospel' of alarmism.

I will rescue from them many
who have been captive
to their word and their teachings;
I will set free from fear many
who have been fed with
the teachings of false prophets
and the spirit of despair.

Do not be discouraged,
for I am protecting and shielding
My children who seek Me
with simple childlike faith,
and I will not leave them
in captivity and perpetual alarm;
I will call them to freedom.

My sheep will hear My voice—
no one can snatch them
out of My hand."


Art: "It's Time to Prophesy"

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Outpouring of Delusion

"Prosperity! Power! Wonders!
A powerful spirit of delusion
has poured out upon My people!

My command to take up the cross
has been thrown down
and the 'good news' of this spirit
has taken its place!

My people have been seduced
by the love of money,
the promise of prosperity,
and the lust for signs and wonders!

My people cannot discern
what comes from My Spirit
and what comes from
the spirit of delusion!

Open your eyes, My people!
Turn away from the riches of the world
and pick up the cross
which you have thrown down!

Repent of your lust for signs and wonders!
Stop trying to use My name
and My power to satisfy
the idols of your heart!

Repent and return to Me
before it is too late!"


Art: "A Powerful Move"

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Wisdom of the Serpent

"My people, I have given you
the knowledge of good and evil,
and it has made you great and powerful.

The nations have hated you
because they do not love knowledge,
and because you are like God.

You have graciously offered them
your fruit and your wine,
but they have refused.

You have been a benefactor,
a teacher and a leader to them,
but they have tried to destroy you.

You have spoken truth
but they have resisted
and fought against you.

You must continue in your ways—
do not let them tread upon you
or the great things you have built.

You must conquer those
who stand against you
so that the kingdom can survive.

You must use your knowledge
and the power you have gained
to protect yourselves from evil.

Do not hesitate to fight
to defeat evil in the nations
and to further the kingdom.

Do not listen to those who
speak of love and peace,
or all will be lost.

Stand in your might,
gird yourselves with the sword
and stay the course.

Hold high the name of the Lord,
for it is by His name that you
shall conquer and vanquish evil.

Those who stand with you
shall prosper and be blessed,
but those who do not shall be cursed."

—the Dragon


Art: "Trading Our Soul"

Monday, September 15, 2014

"In Danger of Not Knowing Me"


Many who praise My name
are following the ways
of a different Spirit—
they prepare for war,
seek riches, love power,
and glory in their patriotism.


Many who worship in My name
do not know what manner
of spirit they are of—
they use My name to judge
and to condemn those
who do not yet know My ways!


Many who profess to be My people
have caused My name to be
blasphemed among the nations
because they have used My name
to steal, kill, and destroy those
they believed were My enemies!


Many who proclaim to spread My kingdom
are spreading the kingdoms of the world—
they use the ways of the world
in order to gain its possessions
and build for themselves
a kingdom of the world!

Danger! You are in danger, My beloved!
Repent and learn again My ways,
My manner of spirit,
and the meaning of My name!"


Thursday, September 11, 2014

"Do Not Meet Violence With Violence"

"My kingdom cannot be won
through the destruction of
those who do not believe in Me.

I am not the one who has
commanded you to secure peace
through the use of force.

I did not come as a leader
of a rebellion or a revolution
at the head of an army.

I came as He who laid down His life
for those who did not know Me
and for those who were against Me.

Do not be led astray by those
who speak My name but who
teach the ways of violence.

Hold on to My commands
and be as lambs among wolves—
follow Me and carry the cross."


Art: "The Choice"

Monday, September 08, 2014

"Put My Words Into Practice!"

"My people don't believe in My teachings!
They call My teachings unrealistic,
impractical, naive, and foolish!

They say that My words were meant
to magnify sin instead of to guide them!
They say My blessings are the curses
of the law of sin and death!
They say My commands are extreme
in order to excuse themselves from obedience!

But I say to you,

“Everyone who hears these words of mine
and puts them into practice is like a wise man
who built his house on the rock.
The rain came down, the streams rose,
and the winds blew and beat against that house;
yet it did not fall, because it had
its foundation on the rock.

But everyone who hears these words of mine
and does not put them into practice is like
a foolish man who built his house on sand.
The rain came down, the streams rose,
and the winds blew and beat against that house,
and it fell with a great crash.”


Art: "Keeping Sabbath"

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Justice Is Coming

"The time is near when
all things shall be fulfilled.

The glory of the Lord
—My love in My Son—
will cover the earth just as
the water covers the sea.

The last shall be first,
and the first shall be last—
the proud shall be humbled,
and those who have been shamed
shall be clothed with joy.

My name shall no longer be misused,
but shall be the everlasting
expression of love and peace.

There will be no more confusion;
there will be no more false prophets;
there will be no more exploitation
of the weak or the innocent;
there will be no more abuse
nor using My name for financial gain;
instead there will be healing.

I will bring justice for the oppressed
and I will restore what has been stolen.
I will redeem all suffering.
I am coming to make all things right."


Art: "Where Is Justice?"

Friday, September 05, 2014

The Hour of Tribulation

To the remnant—

I am preparing to open the sixth seal.
The time of tribulation is upon you.
I have called you for this hour.

Many who have not heard My heart
will become paralyzed by the
increase of calamities on the earth.

I will lay bare the hearts of those
who profess My name but who
worship the works of their hands.

Do not fear the those who
accuse you of siding with enemies,
but pray for their deliverance.

Remember that I loved them
and forgave them from the Cross;
you also must intercede for them.

The end is near, therefore be sober
and keep your eyes fixed upon
the grace I have given you freely.

I am He who holds all things
in My hand—those who love Me
as well as those who do not.

I am coming soon,
therefore love as I have loved you,
even while you were My enemies."


Art: "Discerning the Times"