Monday, October 03, 2011

"I Hear Cries!"

The Lord said, "I have indeed seen the misery of My people in Egypt.
I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers,
and I am concerned about their suffering."
(Exodus 3:7)

"Where are You, Lord?
We go to church every week...
We tithe our money and give many offerings...
We submit to our leaders and stay under their 'covering'...
We learn their principles and study their teachings...
We travel long distances to attend conferences and receive 'anointings'...
We go forward for altar calls...
We stand in line for healing, prophecy and deliverance...
We pray for Israel...
We follow the Hebrew calendar...

"Why are we still unhealed, Lord?
Why are we still struggling financially?
Why do we feel so far away from You?"

Therefore the Lord says:

"I have heard the cries of My abused children,
and I will deliver them.
I will send prophets to declare the testimony of Jesus alone
—the everlasting gospel of My grace—
which has been corrupted by false prophets and shepherds
who care only for themselves instead of for My people.
I will overturn the tables of the money-changers,
and I will lead My people to springs of living water."


Art: "Rescue Us!"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!