Saturday, May 19, 2012

"My Heart For My People—Not a System"

"Many of you have tried to unseal prophecies before their appointed time,
and have created systems of interpretation founded on error.
None of your systems of interpreting the end times are correct,
for I have not called you to systems, but to relationship with Me.
If you have Me, then you do not need any 'system' of interpretation.

"Every effort to interpret sealed prophecies
has removed My Son from the center.
Every system has marginalized the Cross
and diverted your attention away
from My command of agape love.

"Therefore I am calling My people out
out of systems of end-time interpretation.
I am calling My people back to the testimony of My Son
and His command to love one another as He loved you.
I am calling you back to My heart!

"You believe you have understood the 'puzzle' of the end times,
and now you are waiting for things to unfold.
But things will not happen as you expect,
for Revelation is not about events or 'things happening'—
understanding Revelation is understanding My broken heart!

"My heart breaks for you because you have sold yourselves—
to what you believe will prepare you for 'the final conflict,'
to making sure you're on the 'right side' with the 'right people,'
and to 'moving things into place' according to your interpretations.
In so doing, you have left your first love, My people!

"You have separated yourselves as those who believe you know My plan,
and do not realize that you are sitting in darkness—in prostitution—
trying to buy favor that will keep you from being 'left behind.'
Yet though My people are confused and divided by your interpretations,
many will hear My heart and leave Babylon to follow the Lamb."


Art: "Broken"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!