Thursday, July 26, 2012

Teaching Error

"False shepherds!
You are leading My children into rebellion!
I gave you a charge to preach the gospel
—the Chosen One and Him crucified—
and to teach all nations to obey My command
that you love one another as I have loved you.

"But you have preached another gospel
—a gospel of 'the chosen people'—
and taught all nations to 'love Israel'
first before their neighbors.
You have taught My people to give
conditional love to the nations,
but unconditional love and support to Israel.

"You have used My words from the old covenant
to justify ignoring My teaching.
You have led My people away from My light
and into shadows and confusion!
When you are questioned about your errors
and your departure from My teaching,
you use your knowledge and authority
to silence and dismiss My sheep,
and to persuade them of the errors you teach.

"I will hold you accountable
for causing My little ones to sin."


Art: "End-Time Fulfillments"

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