Monday, July 02, 2012

Not Finding Rest

"Was the threat too great?
Was the enemy too powerful for Me?
Would My hand have been too short to save
without the assistance of My people?

"It was not a pagan abomination that desecrated My temple,
but rather it was the rebellion of My people.
I did not command My people to throw off foreign yokes,
but rather to be a blessing to the nations where I sent them.
I did not command My people to re-establish
their former borders and their former sovereignty,
but rather to wait for the Deliverer—
who would also be a light for all nations.

"But My people did not wait for Me.
Instead they rebelled and made their own light.
They fought for freedom from flesh and blood enemies,
but remained captive to the enemies in their own hearts.
In My mercy, I have not allowed them to have rest on all sides,
so that they might seek Me and find peace in Me instead.

"Listen, My beloved children!
Your striving has brought you sorrow,
unrest and desolation.
Come to Me and I will give you rest:
I will give you peace in My Son.
And He will be your everlasting light."


Art: "Light of Unrest"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!