Friday, December 30, 2011

Trustworthy Power

"I am the way! I am the way!
I am the way to freedom, I am the way to peace.
I am the way to blessedness and I am the way to safety.

"No other 'way' will endure, and no other glory will last.
What appears as 'death' leads to everlasting life;
what seems to be only surrender and defeat is victory.

"My weakness is stronger than your strength,
and My foolishness is wiser than your wisdom.
My love is more powerful than your weapons,
overcoming My enemies until they embrace Me.

"Why put your trust in any other power?
Why put your faith in any other way?

"I am the way
—the only way—
and there is no other."


Art: "What Good Is It?"

Thursday, December 29, 2011

More Than His Righteousness

"More Than His Righteousness"

"I am shaking your gods! I am shaking your gods! No other 'gods' will survive in the days to come, and none of those who worship at their altars will remain unshaken. I am the only Rock, and I am the only Unshakeable One.

"Many of you have built altars according to your own patterns and unto your own gods—even though you often call your gods by My name. In My grace and My love for you, I will allow all of these to be shaken violently so that you may rest in Me alone. Put your trust in Me instead of in the works and altars you have built in My name!

"Rest in My love for you even when your works are shaken apart in front of you. I will not shake anything that will be too much for you to lose, unless you choose to cling to it more than you cling to Me. If you allow My shaking to remove what is shakeable, you will find My hands at the end, and you will realize that what you had clung to before only kept you further from My touch and resting in My love.

"I am your only righteousness—do not put your trust in your works or what you have built in My name."

"Receive My Heart!"

"Receive My Heart!"

"Look! I have set before you the broken, the wounded, the weak, the poor and the outcast. I have called you to reach out and love them, just as I reached out and loved you in spite of your brokenness. I have called you to love those who seem unloveable and those who give you no love in return, including your enemies.

"I am the God who loves and heals the brokenhearted, and if you would follow after Me, you must also love those whom I love. If you want Me to be your rock, you must trust Me and follow My ways—follow My love—even though the world grows cold around you.

"My love is the only safe place in the storm that is coming on the world! My love is the only refuge from the increase of wickedness in the world and the terror of disasters on the earth.

"I am He who loved you even as I was beaten, flogged and crucified. I am He who forgave those who crucified Me, and those whose sins I bore on the Cross. I am He whose heart was broken so that yours might be healed and made new.

"Only in My heart will you find life and wholeness. Only in My brokenness can your own brokenness be healed. Therefore I have called you to share in My love for the broken ones I set before you—not only for their sake, but for your own as well."

Monday, December 26, 2011

"Keep Loving"

"Keep Loving"

"Beloved, I know how you feel. People blame Me all the time. And I still love them, so much that I can't leave them or give up on them. Do not listen to their attacks—listen to My love for them. Choose My love. I will not guarantee that you will not be hurt, but with My love I will always heal the wounds you receive, and I will quiet you in My arms. My peace will go before you, and I will give you rest."

Friday, December 23, 2011

Reconsidering Agape

"Reconsidering Agape"

"My people, come in from the cold! Many of you have left My house by leaving My agape love, and you are in danger of freezing to death! You have sought the favor of other lovers—politics, power, law and profit. You have left My love in the name of going out to fight for and defend My house and My ways. You have exchanged the clothing of My righteousness for the rags of prostitution! But I did not create you to live in the cold—instead I created you for My agape love.

"Night is falling on this world, and it will grow more and more cold in love; the only safe place is in My agape love. Do not leave My love, for I am the only one who truly loves you unconditionally. Your other lovers will abuse you, strip you naked and leave you naked in the cold. Come home, My children!"

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hidden Truth

"Hidden Truth"

"I am the God of truth, and I am the One who is perfect in knowledge. I am He who separates light from darkness and lays bare the thoughts and attitudes of every heart.

"I have called you to seek Me and find Me, but I have not called you to discover and systematize information about Me. I am beyond searching out, but I have revealed Myself so that you could know My heart of love for you. I sent My Son to you from My bosom—Him who is My very heart—and then gave you My own Spirit.

"I have opened My heart to you so that you could open your heart to Me! But many of you have become devoured by the pursuit of knowledge. Many of your hearts are broken and cannot be fulfilled by attaining more knowledge.

"I did not save you for this! I want you to be healed, and I want you to be at peace. I want you to trust Me: I love you and will never let you go."

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"It is Finished!"

"It is Finished!"

"I will be your calm in the storm. I will be your peace in tribulation. I will be the redemption of every thing that has been destroyed in you and taken from you. You can't see how I will redeem these things, but I want you to trust Me. Look to the cross! Look to what I have done for you for all eternity! It is finished! It is accomplished! Look! I have risen from the grave! I will redeem all things!"

Monday, December 19, 2011



"I have taken captivity captive!
All the things that have held you captive, I have broken through!
I am the One who rescues you.
I am the One who comes to set you free.
I am the One who takes you home to be with Me.
Look up! Look up and see!
I am your deliverance!"

Friday, December 16, 2011

Held For the Time of the End

"I am He who holds the seven stars in His right hand.
Behold! I am sending My word to you to bring light
to the darkness of the days to come.
I am sending messengers to My church carrying My heart for you.
Some will be accepted, and some will be rejected.
But My people will be complete,
for I am He who calls out the stars—
not one will be missing."


Art: "Messengers to the House of God"

"Who Will Tend My Sheep?"

"Who Will Tend My Sheep?"

"I have called My people to be a refuge for the brokenhearted, the outcast and the poor in spirit, but My house has become a place for the healthy more than for the sick. Those who are broken and hurting are kept waiting, while those who should be tending them are tending their programs and agendas instead. Who will tend My sheep? Who will bind up the injured and heal the brokenhearted? What will the servants do when the Master returns?"

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

"Lay Down"

"Lay Down"

"Shh, rest.
I am here.
I am with you.
I am holding you.
Rest here.
Don't worry about what's next.
I am with you."

Part of the Life

"Part of the Life"

"Don't be surprised when people you were close to cut off themselves because of My calling on you. Many of them are afraid and need time with Me to face their fears before they can understand what I share through you. I'm telling you this because more of your friends will cut themselves off from you, and more will distance themselves from you. But I will be working in them, and many will grow closer to Me because you were obedient to speak when I commanded you to. So do not be daunted, for I will work miraculous beauty through these things. Lean on My heart, and speak when I tell you to."


Art link: "My Cross"

Monday, December 05, 2011

"Cling to the Gospel!"

"Cling to the Gospel!"

"Confusion! Confusion! There is confusion spreading among My people! There is confusion coming from those who believe they know My Spirit more than others who do not know as much of My Spirit! Yet they are prophesying only partially from what they hear from Me; much of what they prophesy is from their own flesh, and at times they prophesy from other spirits than Mine.

"Wake up! Wake up, My people! Return to My spirit—return to My heart! Return to the Cross, to My grace, to My agape love! Return to the gospel or you will be swept away!"


Art link: "The Waves"

"Love," commands the Lamb.

"I am calling you to walk
against the current of the world:
Love your enemies,
even as I have loved you.

I am calling you to live
in the love of the Cross,
even as the world around you
—even those who profess My name—
abandon that love.
Even though it cost you
your lives and your homes."


Art: "Love As the Lamb"

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Equipped By Which Spirit?

"Equipped By Which Spirit?"

"My people, why are you wandering? You believe you are equipped with more spiritual knowledge, authority, power and training than most of My non-'charismatic' people. But much of your knowledge is not knowledge at all!

"Your 'covering' is medieval control, your worship is fashioned after man-made tradition, your 'anointing' is without discernment—often received from the ruler of the kingdom of the air—and you pursue one 'anointing' after another, being led away from the straight and simple path into the wilderness instead.

"Repent! Repent and cling to the straight and narrow path alone—My Son is the path! Return to your simple devotion to My Son! Let go of your pride, My people! Night is coming! Only 'Christ and Him crucified' will give you light!"


Art: "Blind Pursuit"

Hidden Manna

"Hidden Manna"

"My children, My children, be of good cheer, My children! You will be protected in the days of darkness that are coming. In Me you will find peace and refreshing. Outside you will see darkness and disaster, but in Me nothing will harm you. I am your place of rest, I am your place of safety. In the world you will have tribulation, darkness, famine and war. But in the midst of these I will give you pasture in Myself. Outwardly you may waste away and be given over to death, but inwardly I will renew you."

"Stay in the Spirit"

"Stay in the Spirit"

"Understand the time! The agape of many is growing cold, and many are turning away from the testimony of Christ to the darkness of the old covenant and its shadows.

"Night is coming! Hold My agape love and the testimony of My Son close to your heart, for they will be your light in the darkness."

Friday, November 25, 2011

Heart Transplant

"Heart Transplant"

"I have given you My heart! I have given you My heart! But will you accept My heart? Will you let My heart beat inside you? Will you accept the love that My heart longs to pour through you to others? You accept My love for you, but will you accept My love for others—even your enemies? Or will you reject My love for others and stop the flow of My blood?"


Art link: "Our Heart's Need Is..."

"My Favorite Place"

"My Favorite Place"

"You will always be My little child! You will never grow too big to sit on My lap. You will never be too dirty for My arms to hug you. I will never be too busy to pick you up and hold you. I will always be a place where you can find rest and comfort. My love for you will never change.

"Will you come let Me embrace you and adore you forever?"

Tuesday, November 22, 2011



"I am He who took you from among many assemblies of My people and brought you out so that you might hear My heart for My people, and My heart for nations. I have called you to speak My words even though you may not understand. Speak! I will always confirm what is My heart and what is your own. I will not leave you, even in this."

"To the Seven Churches"

"Look! Look, My people!
Outwardly much has changed, but spiritually you have
the same trials, strengths and weaknesses
that the seven churches had long ago:

"Many believe they have grown in wisdom and discernment,
but cannot see that they have forsaken their first love."

"Others who are esteemed as unblessed are rich in My sight,
and though they are called cursed, I call them faithful."

Eagerness to Fight:
"Some think they are called to defeat their enemies by all means,
and so they spend their spirit striving against flesh and blood."

"Some believe they have learned prophetic secrets
and constantly seek to attain more authority,
while idols in their hearts hold them captive."

The Appearance of Perfection:
"There are also those who appear straight and clean,
but who are dead or dying inwardly."

Holding Onto the One Thing:
"Many appear small and weak in the eyes of those who seem strong,
yet are actually firmly in My grasp,
and are holding firmly to the one thing that is necessary."

Being 'First':
"And many who believe they are leading the way
in pointing to righteousness in the world
have unwittingly turned away from Me."

"Look! Look, My people!
I have spoken of all things concerning you today
in My letters to the seven churches.
Look to the spirit of things
and not on the outward appearance.
Listen to My Spirit
—listen to My heart—
for I am coming soon!"


Art: "Seven Spiritual Realities"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Threatened By Children

"Threatened By Children"

"Woe! Woe! My children are being abused!
And their abusers deny their wounds:

'Don't criticize leadership...'
'No church is perfect...'
'Don't focus on negatives...'

"When My children see abuses, hypocrisy and errors,
their spiritual parents feel threatened
because they are afraid to see their own inadequacies;
they would rather wound the eyes of My children that can see clearly.

"Spiritual fathers and mothers point the finger at their spiritual children
because they are afraid of losing their status and the praises of men.
They have not found their worth in My unconditional love, and so they seek
to keep their spiritual children from knowing My unconditional love.

"Woe to those who abuse My children and stand between us!
Woe to them, for I am coming to rescue My abused children!"


Art: "Spiritually Abused"

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Slavery ("For Your Own Good")

"Many of the pastors, teachers and prophets among My people
are leading My people into prostitution:
They are teaching My people that they must do
the works of the old covenant to please Me
so that I will give them a blessed life.
Many of these leaders know I do not require obedience
to the regulations of the old covenant.
Yet they continue to teach My people the ways of slavery
in order to keep their own place and position.
They put My people in slavery and say it is for their own profit.

"And so many of My people don't know how much I love them!
Many are trying to earn enough 'currency' with Me
to attain what they are taught is 'a blessed life'.
Their teachers have them look for satisfaction
in the ways and means of the world.

"How much longer will I endure this?"

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Old Judgment

"Old Judgment"

"The Old is obsolete! The Old is obsolete! My people, I do not judge you or the nations by the Old Covenant any longer! The death of My Son has put an end to the Old Covenant! His blood has released you from its ministry of condemnation.

"Do not look to the stone tablets of the Old Covenant to understand My judgment!
Do not look to the nation I made the Old Covenant with to understand My judgment!
Do not look to the prophets of the Old Covenant times to understand My judgment!

"Look to My Son!
Look to the Cross!
Look to My command to love one another
as I have loved you
while you were My enemies!

"If you proclaim judgment according to the Old Covenant, you are proclaiming the ministry of death and condemnation."


Art link: "The Plundering of Sheol"

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Before the Morning

"Before the Morning"

"I am the One who treasures you.
I am the One who misses none of your tears.
I am the One who hears every one of your cries.
I am the One who stays with you through the night.

"I am the One who sees what you are going through,
and I am the One who often does not stop it
but who loves you and suffers with you.

"I am the One who redeems
each of your wounds,
each of your tears
and each of your cries.

"I am here with you.
I catch every tear.
I will bring morning to your night."

Perfect Acceptance

"Perfect Acceptance"

"My dear child, I am so pleased that you want to give your life to Me! You have learned many things, and you will continue learning more and more. But I want you to know that I love you and accept you regardless of how correct you are about things. I have gladly accepted you not because of your perfect knowledge or a minimum amount of things you've understood, but instead I have accepted you because I love you—you're My child! All I want is your heart, and you have given it to Me!"

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Father's Heart

"Father’s Heart"

"My people! My people! Why are you chasing after shadows? Why are you seeking 'mantles', 'anointings', tithes and 'shekinah' glory? Haven't I shown you My glory in the face of My Son and given you fullness in Him? Haven't I given you all things in My son—in Christ and Him crucified?

"You have wandered from your first love, and your devotion has been given to the pursuit of power, authority and 'prophetic' insights. And so you have lost sight of the one thing that is needful. Growing in Me does not mean being in trances, speaking in 'spiritual' terms, prophesying to crowds or declaring 'open heavens'.

"Return! Return to your first works! Return to the simplicity of the Cross!"


Art link: "Father's Exchange"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Desiring to Be Known

"Desiring to Be Known"

"My heart! My heart! I have given you My heart! I gave you My Son, taken from My bosom, and I have given you My Spirit—My very own spirit—so that you and I might fellowship with one another. I want you to know My heart, but many of you have not sought to know My heart! Many of you have been too busy with many things to stop what you're doing, ask Me to know My heart and wait on Me to share it with you. You have been living in shadows, sometimes coming within the veil for a time and then leaving to return to your business—which you think is My business. But I want you to seek My heart."

"Call to Me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearchable
things you do not know."

- Jeremiah 33:3

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Real and Eternal

"Many of you have been 'believing for' material blessings
and seeing the goal of your faith as receiving temporary rewards.
Many of you have seen blessings that are 'spiritual'
as being lesser and not as wondrous.
Many of you have thought that the more 'real' ministry
of My Spirit is producing visible miracles.

"I tell you that many of you have been
seeking shadow instead of substance!
Now is the time to return to seeking what is eternal—
now is the time to live in Spirit and in truth!"

"The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.
The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life."
(John 6:63)

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
(2 Corinthians 4:18)


Art: "The Spirit Gives Life"

Cutting Command

"Cutting Command"

"My child, I know your pain! Remember Gethsemane! I know the pain of My word cutting between spirit and soul! So I don't condemn you for feeling pain in the flesh or for grieving at the difficulties you feel in your soul as I send you forth to speak My word. I only ask that you trust Me and walk when I command you to. You are My beloved child, and I am very pleased with you!"

Wednesday, November 09, 2011



"Tears! Tears! My eyes are full of tears! Why have you chosen to fight Me?

"Woe, woe, woe! Many who cry out for My coming do not know Me! Woe, woe, woe! Many are living against My love and mock those who live by My love! Many do not know My heart! Many cry, 'Lord, Lord' but live against the will of My Father!

"Woe to many, for I am coming, I am coming! Woe, for I will judge according to My commandment to love as I have loved you! Woe to those who live as enemies of the love I gave you on the Cross!"

"My Chosen Direction"

"Look! you have before you a path I have called you to.
This path was chosen for you before you were born.
You did not choose Me, but I chose you.
On this path you will be attacked and accused,
and many of your greatest griefs will come
from those who claim to be My people.
And, the very burdens I share with you will bring you grief,
because they are the griefs of My heart.
I have called you to walk this path,
sharing My heart and My sufferings."


Art: "This is The Way"

Monday, November 07, 2011

Ears to Hear

"My prophets, I will share many burdens of My heart with you,
and I will send you to many people to speak My heart to them.

"Therefore, open your mouths wide and drink My heart,
for I will share burdens with you that will overwhelm you
if you do not hide yourself in Me.

"Do not be afraid to receive My heart and the burdens of My heart.
I will give you rest as you lean on My breast."


Art: "Hearing His Heart"

Hunger For Shadows

"Hunger For Shadows"

"My people, I told you that many would leave the faith in the last days. And now behold, the days have come when many will not put up with the sound doctrine of the gospel, but turn aside to shadows—even the shadows of the old covenant. Now is the time when many are turning away from the testimony of the Son to believe myths instead—even 'Jewish' myths about Me, My ministry and My 'true' message.

"Many can no longer see the light of the glory of God in the face of the Son, and for them it is no longer enough to know 'Christ and Him crucified.' Many have already gone out from among you, and many are still among you seeking to draw others away from the Cross to the shadows—to holy days, months, years, land, and to seeking My favor through honoring the people of the circumcision.

"Stand firm in the freedom of the Cross, and do not let your hearts be drawn away from your pure and simple devotion to the Son—to whom you are betrothed."


Art link: "Out of the Shadows"
See also: "End-time Judaizers" (at the 8thDay4Life website)

Crying For Peace

"I hear your cries, I hear your pleas.
I know your suffering and your longing for peace.
I am the One who weeps with you,
and I am also the One who weeps for you.

"Therefore I tell you that if you want peace,
you must let go of what you believe is yours by right.
I am the One who ascended to heaven
not by taking what is My right,
but by laying down My rights.
I am the One who receives My inheritance
through suffering on the Cross.

"Which do you want?
Do you want to fight for perishable land
and yet live without peace?
Or do you want to look instead
to an imperishable heavenly inheritance
and discover a peace that will
keep you in any tribulation?"


Art: "But Not This!"

Sunday, November 06, 2011

"Walk On"

"I know.
I know how it feels
when you feel alone.
I know how it is
when your heart is singing
with My Father's love,
and few or none
can hear or understand.

"Keep going.
My grace surrounds you
and will carry you through this."


Art: "Grace Walk"

Saturday, November 05, 2011

The Release of Barabbas

"The Release of Barabbas"

People wanted the Messiah to be a military leader, to drive out the Romans who the Jews saw as their "enemies". They were disappointed in Jesus because He didn't take a stand against the Romans and re-establish the nation. But the political party of the Zealots was all about driving them out and re-establishing a sovereign Jewish nation. And there were many rebellions. Barabbas was a rebel, and the two "thieves" crucified next to Christ were not actually thieves —that's an incorrect translation— but "rebels". When they asked for Barabbas to be released, they showed that they preferred a military approach to securing their freedom rather than this hippie Messiah who was preaching about loving enemies. But Jesus knew that the real "enemies" are spiritual, in the heart, not the 'Romans' (or Palestinians) outside.

But today there are people fighting to gain "the holy land." Instead of loving their neighbors, they are fighting them. Meanwhile millions of Christians are saying that God wants us to "stand with Israel" because the land is their right. Instead of teaching Israel to love as Christ loved us while we were His enemies, Christians are preaching the rights of Israel to the land, and that it is God's will and desire for them to have it.

Once at a national day of prayer meeting I attended, a woman stood up and shared that the Lord had told her, "Your neighbors are your inheritance", and I have never forgotten those words. Everything else on earth is perishable and will not last for eternity in its present form. But people are the treasures that Christ died to save from destruction, not money and not land (which will be renewed/re-created). And so the Psalms say of Christ that "the nations are His inheritance". And then Paul says in Romans 8 that we are "co-heirs with Christ". So His inheritance is our inheritance, too. The nations are our inheritance!

And that means that the Palestinians are the inheritance of the Jews, and the Jews are the inheritance of the Palestinians. We are all meant to inherit each other, because Christ desires to inherit all of us! But we are encouraging Israel and "standing with Israel" to fight for her old, perishable inheritance of dirt and dust, while fighting against those Christ wants for His inheritance!

Somehow today it seems like we Christians have failed to notice that this is the spiritual situation behind what's going on in the Middle East, and have lost sight of the gospel while supporting Israel as if in a fever. (And most often this is for eschatalogical reasons, not based on the gospel or Christ's command to love one another as He loved us!)

Ironically, some ancient manuscripts of Matthew list Barabbas' surname as "Jesus", so his name may have been "Jesus, son of Abbas", while our Jesus was "Jesus, who is called the Messiah". So when Pilate presented them both to the people, he may have been saying, "Which 'Jesus' do you want?"

It's a good question for us today: Do we want the 'Jesus' who teaches us to fight our enemies to secure our freedom and nation? Or do we want the 'Jesus' who teaches us to love our enemies because He loved us while we were His? Do we want the 'Jesus' who commands us to carry the bow and arrow, or do we want the Jesus who calls us to carry the cross just as He carried His?

As I prayed about these things, I heard the Lord crying out in the Spirit:
"My people are choosing Barabbas!
My people are teaching the ways of Barabbas!
They are rejecting Me and choosing the 'Jesus'
that their itching ears want to hear!
Turn! Turn from your ways, My people, and be saved!
For the path you are choosing only leads to death!
I am He who brings freedom through the Cross,
not through the sword!
If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword."

See also:
"Me or Barabbas?"
"What Good Is It?"
"What Are You Fighting For?"

Friday, November 04, 2011

"Give Freely!"

"My people, many of you have been zealous
to have My name respected and acknowledged.
Many of you have tried to defend My name and prove
the unrighteousness of those who do not profess My name.
Many of you refuse to show grace and love to 'the other side'
until they come to you, repent, and profess My name.

"I am calling you to repent, My people,
for I do not demand that anyone earn My grace and love
through first acknowledging and professing My name correctly.
Instead it is My freely given grace and love
which lead people to repentance.

"Go and give My grace and love freely, My people."


Art: "Reaching Across"
Article: "Bitterness in My Homeland"

Wednesday, November 02, 2011



"As I called Samuel long ago, so I have called you. I will use you like the voice of a child, sent to those who have been turning away from Me, but whom I dearly love still. Arise, and speak what I tell you to speak."

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

"Lean On Me"

"Lean On Me"

"I have told you these things,
so that in Me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world."

- John 16:33
"When you're feeling weak and weary, I am with you and will not let you fall. When you're confused, misunderstood and in doubt, I will hold you up. When you feel like you can't go on, I will carry you forward.

"Lean on Me. I will never leave you, and I will guide your footsteps
in the path of My love."

Monday, October 31, 2011

"Be Still"

"Be Still"

"I know you didn't want this call. But you asked Me for My heart. You asked to know and share in My love. Will you now change your mind because I have asked you to share it with others? Won't you trust that I am able to bring comfort in the midst of grief—even in My own grief? Rest in My heart. I will quiet you with My love."

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Faith in Law

"Faith in Law"

"My people, for a long time many of you have been laboring to 'advance the kingdom' by striving to enshrine My name in the public square—in the government, in laws, in courts, in schools and in popular culture. Unintentionally you have tried to build My kingdom according to the ways of the kingdoms of this world. Because there have been times you seem to have made 'progress', you have been unable to see that you have returned to putting your faith 'law' instead of in the power of My gospel and My Spirit.

"A time is coming when you will be betrayed by the public square, and the kingdom you have tried to build there will be of no use to you. For My kingdom is not meant to be a kingdom of this world, and My name is not meant to be used as an instrument of politics.

"Come to Me now and let Me re-teach you My ways. Come back to the Cross, for seeking after 'law' will leave you bruised and devastated in the end. Come to Me now before darkness overtakes you."

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Every Tribe

"Every Tribe"

"All of you! All of you!
All of you are My children!
African, Asian, Australian,
European, Islander, Middle Eastern,
North and South American—
all of you are My precious children!

"Each one of you is My child,
My treasure, My pride and My inheritance.
I do not show favoritism
because you all are My favorites!

"Therefore I commanded you
to love each other as I have loved you,
even when you have been hurt by each other.
Remember My love for you all
and choose to forgive.
You are each other's
eternal treasure and reward!"


Art link: "From His Perspective"

Dancing in Oppression

"My child, I will send you into difficult places.
I will use you to share My heart, to speak My word
to those who will listen and to those who will not.
You will be rejected and spoken against,
but I will give you peace in the midst of being mistreated.

I will take your hand
and you will look into My eyes
in the midst of oppression,
and in the Spirit you and I will dance.
In Me you will see the morning by faith,
and I will be your rest
and your comfort during the night."

Weeping may remain for a night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.
(Psalm 30:5)

He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him.
(Psalm 126:6)


Art: "Peace In Difficulty"

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Me or Barabbas?"

"I am He who carried on the Cross the sins of My enemies.
I am He who paid the price for your freedom—
not a freedom of this world, but an eternal freedom.
I am He who gave you an imperishable inheritance,
kept for you in heaven—not on earth below.

"I did not die to give you a city that will not endure,
but a city with eternal foundations,
prepared for you in heaven—not on earth.
I did not die to give you freedom from tribulations on earth,
but to give you peace to endure them.
I did not die so that you would defeat your enemies,
but so that you would love them as I have
loved you while you were My enemies.

"Do you want the Cross or the Country?
Barabbas took the lives of his enemies,
but I gave My life for My enemies.
Barabbas sought a country without Israel's enemies in it,
but I seek eternity with My enemies—including him and you.

"Do you want Me and My kingdom?
Or do you want that which Barabbas fought for?
You can't have both."


Art & article: "The Release of Barabbas"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



"I'm pleased with you. The journey has begun. Keep being faithful with what I command you to do, to speak, and where I command you to go. Run the race I set before you!"

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fallen From Grace

"What are you doing, My people?
Why are you trusting in circumcision instead of in My Son?
You are seeking to please Me by supporting
the people of the circumcision,
by siding with them and using them
as your way to navigate through the last days.

"You are preaching My favor for those who
believe in special rights for the circumcision
and curses for those who do not.
You are teaching that the circumcision
are the key and center of My purpose in the last days,
and that they will bring salvation to the nations.

"You have traded My grace in Jesus for circumcision!
Instead of giving to Israel the gospel of My grace
and teaching My commandment of agape love,
you are affirming and encouraging them
in their own righteousness,
and to seek first an earthly kingdom.

"Return! Return to My grace, My people!
Return to the Cross!"


Art & Article: "Standing With Hagar"

Father's Riches

"Father’s Riches"

"Do not be deceived! My command for you is agape love—not saving your lives and your ways. Many of you are worrying about losing your way of life and your political power, but I have never commanded you to seek these things. Seek My kingdom instead! And obey My command to love one another—even your enemies—as I have loved you."


Art link: "The Protest"

Sunday, October 23, 2011



"I am with you.
I am carrying you.
Do not be afraid.
You will be borne on My wings.
You will be comforted in the darkness.

"There are no words I will give you
that will come without My love.
My heart will always be
the message I give you to speak.

"You will go through grief because of My word,
but you will never go through it alone,
for I will never leave you."


Art link: "I'm Not Alone"

Spirit of Destruction

"Unclean spirit! Unclean spirit!
Can't you discern the unclean spirit?

"Many are following the spirit of Babel,
building a kingdom to reach the glory of God.

"Many are following the spirit of Cain,
choosing to build their kingdom
upon the shed blood of their neighbors.

"Many are following the spirit of Balaam,
protecting their kingdom by providing
chances for their enemies to sin.

"Many are following the spirit of Haman,
seeking the favor of the King while destroying
the people from who He takes His bride.

"Woe! Woe! My people cannot see! My people cannot see!
They have taken their eyes off the Cross
where I died to purchase My enemies as My bride!
They have become lawless, having forsaken My command
to love as I loved them while they were My enemies;
instead they preach against it to the nations for the sake of Israel.

"Woe to those who seek glory and honor over all other nations!
Woe to those who build upon bloodshed!
Woe to those who set up their enemies for destruction!
Woe to those who claim to be My people but who persecute the ones I died for!

"Come out from among those who live as enemies of the Cross!
Return to your first love!"