Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"As I Lost My Life"

"My people,

"I am with you! I am with you! Do not be afraid as the world around you trembles. Do not fear the destruction of your lives and your ways of life. I have told you that such things will certainly come, and that I will never leave you nor forsake you. In the midst of tribulation I will lead you to springs of living water.

"Understand! Understand! Understand the times in which you live! Many who proclaim My name have forsaken My agape love, preferring instead the gods of the world: money, power and self-righteousness. Many declare My name alongside their politics, economics and wars. They have set forth as the rider on the black horse, weighing peoples on their own scales and exploiting them, but protecting their own interests.

"Discern the spirit! Discern the spirit! Discern the spirit behind beliefs! Walk in the light of the Cross! Do not forsake My command to love one another—even your enemies—and do not forget that I loved you and gave My life for you while you were My enemies.

"If you do not follow My love, you do not follow Me. But if you accept My life, you will know that My life was given for all peoples, including those who appear to oppose you. I have not called you to love your life, but to lay it down for My sake.

"I have told you that if you attempt to save your life, you will lose it. Therefore I tell you that to attempt to save your life is to follow Death. Do not be deceived by those who urge you to save your life instead of picking up your cross.

"As I lost My own life, so you must also lose yours. As I drank from the love of My Father, so will you also drink of My Spirit during tribulation."


See also: "Wells of Living Water" (art link)

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!