Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"See As Children!"

"To the Jewish people in Israel:

"I am your inheritance! I am your rest!
I am the fulfillment of every promise!
I am the restoration and I am the kingdom.
I am the new covenant.

"Become children again, for as wise and learned adults
you have only worn yourselves out trying to regain your old kingdom.
Your understanding has wearied you and your ways
have brought unending fear to your children.
Become like children and look at My hands:

"I have engraved you on My hands!
I have taken away your sins!
I have peace that passes understanding!
I have an inheritance that will never spoil or fade,
kept in heaven for you!
I have a new Jerusalem for you above!
Why waste your lives on what will not last?

"Come to Me as children,
and I will show you My everlasting love
and bring you into the promised rest.
Instead of warring against the nations in perpetual unrest,
you will find everlasting peace,
and I will make you a blessing to the nations."


Art: "Yeshua My Shabbat"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!