"You are My treasure! I tell you the truth, it was not for church meetings that I died, nor did I die for worship services, sermons, seminars, conferences, prophecies, signs and wonders or 'apostolic networks'. I am not interested in these things. I died for you! I chose to lay down My life so that I could have you with Me forever! I want you! I want your heart.
"What do you want, My people?
"Do you want programs, prophecies, sermons, signs and wonders, 'apostles' and conferences? You don't need Me in order to have these things. Do you want Me? I want you and I want your heart. Do you want Mine?
"Do you want 'revival' and a lot of people to 'make decisions' for Me? Do you want your city and your country to become 'Christian'? Do you want everyone to 'go to church' every weekend? Do you want people to do something, or do you want the people themselves? Do you want to know them? Do you want to share in their hearts and lives? Do you want to spend time with them? Do you want to spend eternity with them?
"I do! And I want to spend eternity with you, too! My people, I want you to desire and work for fruit that lasts. Programs, meetings, conferences, signs and wonders are not eternal, but people are. Look at the Cross. Look at the scars of My love for you on My hands. You are fruit that lasts. Your neighbors and your enemies are fruit that lasts. I do not desire seminars, prophecies and sermons; I desire you, My treasures!"
We are the apple of His eye!