Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Wrath of Perfect Love

"The Wrath of Perfect Love"

"My wrath is higher than human wrath, and My justice is more perfect than human justice. Just as distinct as My righteousness is from your own righteousness, so also My wrath and My justice are distinct from yours. In My wrath there is no sin, no darkness and no shadow.

"I am the One who loved the guilty—so much that I gave My innocent Son to atone for their sins by dying in their place. Those who receive My wrath are those who choose not to receive My love. You were created for love, and I am love. You were created for Me.

"I am calling all people to know and receive My love. Those who turn away from My love will receive My wrath—the wrath of the One who loved His enemies so much that He gave His only Son so that they would not perish. Those who receive My wrath are those who have not only refused My love but have also sought to prevent others from receiving My love.

"Those who know My love do not need to fear My wrath, for My wrath will not harm them. Abide in My love, and My love will cast out all fear of wrath.

"Do not have any part in any action claiming to carry out My wrath. I have commanded you to love as I have loved you, and to leave all wrath to Me."

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!