Saturday, September 17, 2011

Perfect Jealousy

"Perfect Jealousy"

"I am the one who judges;
I am the one who pours out wrath.
I am the one who avenges
and I am the one who repays in full.

"I am He who loves you so much that I died for you. I am He who nailed the law of transgressions to the Cross in My own blood. I am He who is burning with jealousy—for you and for your enemies.

"Do not be quick to proclaim My judgment and My wrath, for My thoughts are higher than your thoughts and My ways are higher than your ways. I am not jealous for perfection or sinlessness, nor am I jealous for the profession of My name. I am jealous for hearts! I want you, I want your neighbors, and I want your enemies! I want to love you and be with you forever! I hold My wrath for whatever stands between Me and you."

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!