Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"I Am With You In Sorrows"

"To the people of Japan:

"I am with you in your sorrows! I am afflicted when you are afflicted, I mourn when you mourn, and I suffer when you suffer. I did not send the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis to punish you or judge you. Some have proclaimed that these things happened because of your sins or because your government did not support Israel; these are false prophecies. I have not commanded them to speak, and they do not know My heart. Do not believe them. Look unto the Cross and you will know My heart. I carried your sins and all of your griefs. I am with you in your grieving, and I am with you in My people who are visiting you in your temporary homes to love you and mourn with you."


"Not My Heart!"

"To the Church:

"My people, many of you are hearing My Spirit warn about events and disasters. I speak of such things to call you to pray, but I do not call you to declare My judgment in them! Many of you have spoken in My name of coming judgments through disasters because you cannot hear My heart. Since you are zealous for the law instead of zealous for people whom I love, many of you have declared that inevitable disasters are coming due to the sins of the ungodly.

"Yet I have nullified your words. I have not allowed these disasters to take place because I was only calling My people to pray, and I answered their prayers. You who have declared judgments will not see your words fulfilled, for you do not know My heart. Nor do you know that I will judge you before I judge the world! My judgments are redemptive instead of punishment, because I desire you instead of your sinlessness. I will not entrust My words about actual inevitable judgments and wrath to those who do not understand My heart and My redemptive purposes."


See also: "Are Disasters God's Judgments?"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Father, that you do not punish us for our sins because Your Son, Jesus Christ, took the punishment that we deserve upon Himself when He died on the Cross for us.

    Father, help your children understand Your agape love for all people so that they will not continue to misrepresent Your heart by speaking words of condemnation and judgment as if from Your mouth.

    Even when we don't understand why You allow terrible things to happen, teach us to trust Your heart and know that Your thoughts and ways are higher than ours.

    Father, more than anything else let us become a conduit of Your love and mercy to Your thirsty children.


Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!