Friday, September 02, 2011

Turning to the Children

"Turning to the Children"

"Before My Son came to earth, I declared that the hearts of fathers were turned away from their children, and so I sent John the Baptist to speak My discipline to spiritual fathers.

"It is the same today: spiritual fathers have been busy with the work of what they think I require, and as a result their spiritual children have known Me more as a Master to work for than as their loving Father. The spiritual fathers themselves have not known spiritual fathers who loved them as I do. And so they have passed on teaching, preaching, producing converts, traditions, rituals and rules to their spiritual children more than they have passed on My love.

"Behold! I am sending prophets to spiritual fathers to turn their hearts back to their spiritual children!"

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a poem when I was 12 that won a couple of awards and was published in some local paper. It came to mind when I saw this picture. I can't remember all of it, but :

    Hello, Mr. Ambersted, you needn't say hello.
    I know you're on a journey, and have a ways to go.
    You're on your way to heaven and the promised land.
    You're busy doing good, to lend a helping hand.

    So please don't stop to listen, I'm just a small young boy,
    I'm too young to understand about everlasting joy.
    I only talk to Jesus in my prayers each night.
    Sometimes I'm unsure what is wrong or right.

    So journey on dear mister, pay me no mind.
    I'm just a small young boy, falling way behind....


Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!