Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Triumphal Procession

"I am not who many think I am,
for many think I am leading My people against
unrighteous elements in their society and in the world.

"I called you to 'conquer' in your own heart by faith—
by looking to the Lamb who conquered and overcame for you.
I have not called you to overcome people, societies or nations.

"It is crucial that your faith be in Me
instead of in the righteousness of the 'side' you are on—
whether it is your nation, your people, your movement or your church.

"On the Cross I triumphed,
and now I lead My people to carry their own cross—
to overcome as I overcame with love, grace, forgiveness and sacrifice.

"My command is that you love one another
—even your enemies—as I loved you.
Will you follow Me?"


Art: "The Invitation"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!