Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Inheritance of Shadows

"Come out of the shadows! Come out of the shadows!
I did not give My life for you on the Cross
so that anyone would inherit perishable land;
I died to give an imperishable inheritance,
kept in heaven above for My children.

"My children in Israel:
I said that I go to prepare a place for you—
why have you not waited for Me?
Why have you gone in your own strength
to possess the things that belong to the earth?
Why have you sought your own kingdom instead of Mine?

"Look to your father, Abraham, who knew
that this world was not his home
and instead desired an eternal country.
He has come into the light,
but you have chosen to dwell in the shadows,
in the chains of slavery below!

"Friends of Israel:
Why have you been assisting their spiritual suicide?
Why have you been letting them drink from the 'Dead Sea'
of desiring land instead of giving them
the water of life in the New Covenant?
Why have you been encouraging them to seek Me
in the shadows instead of in the light?

"Come back to Me, Israel and friends of Israel!
Come back out of the shadows and into the light!
Even as I called Abram out of the land of Ur to a new land,
so too I am calling you out of setting your heart on land
and into desiring heavenly inheritance instead."


Art: "Abraham's Inheritance"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!