Friday, May 27, 2011

Outpouring of the Spirit of the Cross

"My children,

"Do you imagine that I will pour out My Spirit mightily
in order to help you drive out your enemies from your land?
Do you believe it is My will for you to defeat your enemies
and secure the land as your own 'godly' country?

"I will do no such thing!
I gave My Son on the Cross to die for
the sins of both you and your enemies,
not so that you would gain land and hate one another,
but so that you would gain Me and love one another,
even as I loved you while all of you were My enemies.
My Son died for the sins your enemies have committed against you,
and My Son died for the sins you have committed against your enemies.

"The nations are My inheritance, not your land.
You, your neighbors and your enemies are all My inheritance,
My precious treasures worth the price of My Son.
Israelis, Palestinians, I am speaking to you!
You will not know My peace until you embrace the spirit of the Cross!
You will not know the outpouring of My Spirit until you repent
of your lusting for land and country,
and abusing one another to gain these.

"My Spirit is the Spirit of My Son crucified.
When you join in the spirit of the Cross,
then you will know the outpouring of My Spirit.
But until then any victories you have
in your lust for your historic land,
for vengeance and for your religious glory
will be given by a spirit of darkness,
by a principality of evil instead of by My Spirit.
No matter how divinely blessed your victories may seem,
they are not in the spirit of the Cross.
If they have not the love of My Son crucified,
they are nothing in My sight and are fuel for eternal fire.

"Yet in times of darkness and distress,
before you have succeeded in eradicating one another,
I will pour out My Spirit on those who look to Me,
who cry out to Me in intercession for My love for one another—
instead of crying out to Me for victory taking back 'land'.
I will raise up among your brothers and sisters a people
who will be filled with My heart for your enemies
as I was filled with love for you at the Cross.

"They will receive My Spirit,
and will walk forth speaking words of life
—words of repentance and forgiveness
in the midst of your battles against one another.
They will care about My land—that is, people!
instead of sacrificing lives for perishable things
such as dust, dirt, buildings and borders.

"They will arise in My Spirit, the spirit of the Cross,
and they will be hated even as My Son was hated and sent to the Cross.
They will be hated, slandered, spoken against, persecuted
and martyred for My sake and for the sake of their enemies.
But I will continue pouring out My Spirit on them and through them
to the broken, to the thirsty and to the wounded among you.
Even as they are slain their testimony will continue to sound."


Art: "Outpouring"

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!