Sunday, May 22, 2011

"Right" vs. "Righteous"

"Right" vs. "Righteous"

"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, He will say to those who did not concern themselves with proving that they were 'right'—

"I was sinful and you accepted me.
I was a mess and you cleaned me up.
I was full of hatred and you showed me love.
I was false and you spoke understandingly to me.
I was deceived and you held out your arms to me."
"But to those who were most concerned about being 'right', He will say—

"I was sinful and you only accused me.
I was a mess and you stayed away from me.
I was full of hatred and you hated me back.
I was false and you spoke only of how wrong I was.
I was deceived and you left me to die."
"For whatever you have done to the least of these ones I loved and died for, you have also done unto Me."


See also: "The Narrow Way" (art link)

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!