Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Lamb's Revelation

"I AM the testimony of Revelation.
I AM the spirit of the prophecy.
I am the Lamb who was slain,
who alone is worthy to open the scroll.
Yes, I am also the Lion of Judah,
but only by beholding Me as the Lamb who was slain
will you be able to see Me opening the scroll.
Only by following Me as the Lamb
will you be shepherded through the end times.
Only by knowing Me as the Lamb
will you understand what My Kingdom and dominion are all about,
and what they are not.

"My death and resurrection are not a halfway point in history,
progressing from the beginning to the end;
rather My death and resurrection are the center of history,
by which both the past and the future are defined and oriented.
All that came before were shadows looking forward to the Cross,
and all that comes after are shadows looking back to the Cross.

"Behold the Lamb slain for the sins of the world!
Just as I was crucified naked
—laid bare before the world—
and just as the veil of the temple was torn in two
exposing the Most Holy Place,
so too the unveiling of the book of Revelation
is an unveiling of the Lamb
who was slain for the sins of the world.

"Keep your eyes fixed on the Lamb
who was crucified to take away the sin of the world,
and I will open your eyes to understand things
which have been sealed from understanding in ages past—
because the time for understanding is drawing near.
Those who look to and follow the Lamb that was slain
will gain understanding. But everyone will stumble who
looks for an earthly kingdom, an earthly country,
an earthly Jerusalem, an earthly battle,
an earthly victory, and an earthly rest.

"Look upon Me—the Lamb who was crucified—and know My heart
for you, for your neighbor, and for your enemies.
I went to the Cross because I loved each and every one of you,
and I desire you for My eternal inheritance, for My bride.
I will draw all people to Myself through the Cross—
there is no other message, revelation or way to draw people to Me."


See also: "Lamb Power" (by Hazel Holland)
Art: "Crucifixus"

Mark of the Beast

"All things are coming to the end, and I desire for you to know My heart about things to come. I am not saying I will tell you how events will appear, but I am saying to listen to My Spirit. Knowing My Spirit—My heart—will be enough for you.

"I have revealed My heart to you on the Cross: I am love—agape love. You were My enemies, but I loved you and gave Jesus for you. My heart and Kingdom are revealed to you not in power, might, dominion, control, authority or law, but in Christ crucified in weakness for the sins of My enemies.

"The Mark of the Beast to come is the characteristic of its heart: absence of My agape love, and antagonism towards My heart of agape love. If you know My heart of agape love, you will know the Beast regardless of its appearance.

"My power follows and flows out of My agape love, but the heart of the Beast is power alone. The beast will seek power and dominion in the name of winning peace and working righteousness, and signs of supernatural power will be displayed as proof of its blasphemous claims. Many who have sought Me only for My power will taken in by the Beast, for although they professed My name, they did not know My heart of agape love.

"Your heart's response to the Beast is more important than the outward appearance of things: Will you be marked in your mind by agreeing with the heart of the Beast, or will you feign agreement but be marked in the works of your hands given to the Beast? Or, instead of these, will you suffer persecution as Christ did because of My agape love?"

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Locked Out ("No Room For My Spirit!")

"Locked Out"

"I stand at the door and knock, but you have locked Me out! With your doctrines you claim to have built a perfect place for Me to dwell, but in truth you have built them up because you have been so afraid of being deceived. You believe that your safety and your approval in My sight are because of the correctness of your doctrines, and once you've arranged them you do not want them to be changed. In trying to lock the door against deception, you don't realize that you have also locked Me out.

"You believe you have locked out spirits of darkness with your 'superior' construction of doctrines and systematic theology. But I see many among you who are held captive to the spirits of the enemy which have been loose among you, because superior doctrines and systematic theology cannot drive out the enemy; only My Spirit can. Only My Spirit can give you rest and peace from your fears of being lost and of not pleasing me."

"No Room For My Spirit"

"But you have made My Spirit, too, into a doctrine—into just another part of your beliefs in your theological system. You have mathematically arranged My words from Scripture into your own equations, in order to prove that your house is well-built and that I am at home with you more than in any other house. Yet deep inside part of you knows that I am bigger than your doctrinal house of cards, and that if you allow Me to come be Myself, your house of doctrines might be severely damaged or even done away with.

"I wait outside your locked door. Will you let Me in? Yes, I will change your house and I will knock down walls you have built. But I will also take away your darkness and your fear. Your house will not appear as theologically or systematically 'safe', but you will have peace and safety because My Spirit will be among you, and I will give you rest."


See also: "The Empty Chair" (art link)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Outpouring of the Spirit of the Cross

"My children,

"Do you imagine that I will pour out My Spirit mightily
in order to help you drive out your enemies from your land?
Do you believe it is My will for you to defeat your enemies
and secure the land as your own 'godly' country?

"I will do no such thing!
I gave My Son on the Cross to die for
the sins of both you and your enemies,
not so that you would gain land and hate one another,
but so that you would gain Me and love one another,
even as I loved you while all of you were My enemies.
My Son died for the sins your enemies have committed against you,
and My Son died for the sins you have committed against your enemies.

"The nations are My inheritance, not your land.
You, your neighbors and your enemies are all My inheritance,
My precious treasures worth the price of My Son.
Israelis, Palestinians, I am speaking to you!
You will not know My peace until you embrace the spirit of the Cross!
You will not know the outpouring of My Spirit until you repent
of your lusting for land and country,
and abusing one another to gain these.

"My Spirit is the Spirit of My Son crucified.
When you join in the spirit of the Cross,
then you will know the outpouring of My Spirit.
But until then any victories you have
in your lust for your historic land,
for vengeance and for your religious glory
will be given by a spirit of darkness,
by a principality of evil instead of by My Spirit.
No matter how divinely blessed your victories may seem,
they are not in the spirit of the Cross.
If they have not the love of My Son crucified,
they are nothing in My sight and are fuel for eternal fire.

"Yet in times of darkness and distress,
before you have succeeded in eradicating one another,
I will pour out My Spirit on those who look to Me,
who cry out to Me in intercession for My love for one another—
instead of crying out to Me for victory taking back 'land'.
I will raise up among your brothers and sisters a people
who will be filled with My heart for your enemies
as I was filled with love for you at the Cross.

"They will receive My Spirit,
and will walk forth speaking words of life
—words of repentance and forgiveness
in the midst of your battles against one another.
They will care about My land—that is, people!
instead of sacrificing lives for perishable things
such as dust, dirt, buildings and borders.

"They will arise in My Spirit, the spirit of the Cross,
and they will be hated even as My Son was hated and sent to the Cross.
They will be hated, slandered, spoken against, persecuted
and martyred for My sake and for the sake of their enemies.
But I will continue pouring out My Spirit on them and through them
to the broken, to the thirsty and to the wounded among you.
Even as they are slain their testimony will continue to sound."


Art: "Outpouring"

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Where is Your Center?"

"My people, what are you doing?
Why are you glued to the news and to the politics of Israel?
Why are you looking to her for direction
and to know where you stand with Me?
Haven't I already made you pleasing in My Father's sight
with My death on the Cross for you?
Or was that not enough to be certain?

"Behold, you have returned to the wilderness!
You have been wandering around,
tossed to and fro by the events of the news
and what you believe must happen to and through Israel.
Your peace has been removed from you
because you have left the Cross
and sought direction from the Old Covenant.

"But I AM the one that the prophets pointed to.
The Messiah was not crucified to point
to fulfillments in the nation of Israel,
but rather the ancient nation of Israel existed to point
to the coming Lamb who takes away the sins of the world.
This testimony of ancient Israel is complete—
I have fulfilled the Law and the Prophets to every jot and tittle.

"The final events of earth's history
will not center around the nation of Israel,
but around Me and My agape love,
as revealed when I was crucified for you
while you were still My enemies.
The book of Revelation is the testimony about Me,
not the testimony about Israel!

"Come back to the Cross and lay down your
efforts to please Me through 'loving Israel'.
Come back to the Cross and stop walking around in circles.
Come back to the Cross and find rest
from attempting to figure out where you are,
and where your nation and the world are
in the chain of 'end time events'
according to your Israel-centered map.

"In Me you need no map, only My Spirit
and what I have accomplished for you on the Cross.

"Hear Me, My people!"


See also: "A Thought Not To Passover"
Art: "Back to the Wilderness"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Your Home is Above, Jerusalem!"

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
- Yeshua ha Moshiach, Matthew 6:21

Oh Jerusalem, My love
Your treasures are above!
Here your cities crumble, fall,
Waste away and rust.

But inside you is a longing,
A longing for your home;
The Kingdom sure and eternal,
The King upon His throne.

Once in the past there was glory,
A glory now long gone;
A promise unfulfilled it seems,
An ache without a balm.

How hard and long you've struggled
To regain what was lost;
You've fought and killed and bled and died
For things not worth the cost.

You cry out "Oh Jerusalem!"
And I cry, too, it's true.
But when I cry "Jerusalem,"
It means I cry for you.

For you need no more blood to spill,
Nor for lost glory ache;
For I drank all the bitter pill,
I drank it for your sake.

An everlasting, new glory
I have for you above:
A Kingdom that is far surpassing,
Eternal as My love.

Your future is held in My hands;
Believing Me you're safe.
Look no longer to things below
Which distract from My face.

Oh daughter much beloved by Me,
Distracted is your gaze!
Oh that your eyes would turn to Me,
Instead of to a maze.

One thing is needed, just one,
To survive all to come;
A faith humbly to seek My face
And abide in My love.

To save your life ultimately
It must be counted loss.
Forget your house and great treasure;
Find peace, embrace My cross.

Oh Jerusalem, My love,
Your home is here above.
With Me, I long for you to be
At rest, safe in My love.


Art link

Inheritance of Shadows

"Come out of the shadows! Come out of the shadows!
I did not give My life for you on the Cross
so that anyone would inherit perishable land;
I died to give an imperishable inheritance,
kept in heaven above for My children.

"My children in Israel:
I said that I go to prepare a place for you—
why have you not waited for Me?
Why have you gone in your own strength
to possess the things that belong to the earth?
Why have you sought your own kingdom instead of Mine?

"Look to your father, Abraham, who knew
that this world was not his home
and instead desired an eternal country.
He has come into the light,
but you have chosen to dwell in the shadows,
in the chains of slavery below!

"Friends of Israel:
Why have you been assisting their spiritual suicide?
Why have you been letting them drink from the 'Dead Sea'
of desiring land instead of giving them
the water of life in the New Covenant?
Why have you been encouraging them to seek Me
in the shadows instead of in the light?

"Come back to Me, Israel and friends of Israel!
Come back out of the shadows and into the light!
Even as I called Abram out of the land of Ur to a new land,
so too I am calling you out of setting your heart on land
and into desiring heavenly inheritance instead."


Art: "Abraham's Inheritance"

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Call and I Will Answer"

"Call and I Will Answer"

"I am He who was and is and is to come,
I am the Lord."

I am the First and the Last,
the Alpha and the Omega."

"I am the Beginning and the End,
and behold, I am drawing near!"

"I have spoken,
and as I have spoken it shall come to pass."

"Call out to Me for understanding,
and I will open up My heart you:
What has been sealed in ages past shall be understood,
what has been hidden shall be revealed,
what has been veiled shall be uncovered,
what has been unknown shall be known,
and what has been unfulfilled shall be fulfilled."

"Call upon Me,
and I will teach you what generations past
searched out but could not find,
what saints longed to see,
but has been kept for your eyes."

"You know in part,
but the Whole draws near.
I am the Whole,
in Whom all is complete,
and accomplished."

"When I come,
all shall be finished,
for I am the End."

"Call upon Me,
and I shall confirm My testimony in you;
the testimony of the Father
given in the Son
revealed by the Holy Spirit
of the goodness of My grace to you
poured out in the blood of My Son
upon the Cross for your sins
risen on the third day
ascended to the throne
"Behold, My testimony has already been given
and is complete in My Son.
Call out to Me for understanding,
and you shall see
with ever-increasing understanding and glory
that My heart has fully been revealed
in My Son
crucified for you
raised victorious
seated in glory."

"I do not call you to a map,
I do not call you to a sequence of events,
I do not call you to politics,
I do not call you to watch the nations,
I do not call you to contest for land,
I do not call you to fight for your rights,
I do not call you to secret knowledge."

"But instead I call you to what is revealed:
"I call you to My Son
I call you to My heart
I call you to listen to My Spirit
I call you to take up your cross
I call you to speak My word
I call you to intercede for peoples and nations
I call you to lay down your life
I call you to love your enemies
Even as I have loved you."
"Do not be distracted from My gospel,
do not depart from My heart of agape love,
and do not be afraid,
for I am with you."


See also: "Revelation Prologue" (art link) and "Revelation 1: Prologue" (Study)

Monday, May 23, 2011

"Here is Life"

"Here is Life"

"Your new life is the Cross!

"I have not promised you wealth, perfect health, or favor with the world. But I have promised to be with you in every trial and give you My peace.

"Because I overcame through the Cross, I have given you My promise of resurrection life through every cross you have to carry. I will redeem and bring life out of what seems to be 'death' in your life.

"Behold, My heart for you is the Cross. Do not look to what things you have or do not have in your life; instead look to the Cross and I will show you Life."


See also: "Your New Life" (art link)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

One Righteous, One Wronged

"I am the only truly innocent one.
I am the only truly righteous one.
I am the only one who is without sin.

"I loved you and died for you
not because you were sinless or righteous,
but because you were sinful and unrighteous.

"So do not be easily offended or defensive when people say
that something is wrong with your church, your people or nation.
Do not be afraid to examine yourselves
and face the possibility of being wrong.

"You have nothing to fear!
I AM your innocence and your righteousness!
Do not be afraid of repentance or of being examined.
I am the only spotless Lamb you need."


Art: "Agony"

"Right" vs. "Righteous"

"Right" vs. "Righteous"

"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, He will say to those who did not concern themselves with proving that they were 'right'—

"I was sinful and you accepted me.
I was a mess and you cleaned me up.
I was full of hatred and you showed me love.
I was false and you spoke understandingly to me.
I was deceived and you held out your arms to me."
"But to those who were most concerned about being 'right', He will say—

"I was sinful and you only accused me.
I was a mess and you stayed away from me.
I was full of hatred and you hated me back.
I was false and you spoke only of how wrong I was.
I was deceived and you left me to die."
"For whatever you have done to the least of these ones I loved and died for, you have also done unto Me."


See also: "The Narrow Way" (art link)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Children's Revelation

"Behold! I am opening the understanding of many among you
about things which have been hidden until now.
The time has come for My people to know
why I gave them the book of Revelation.

"It is time for you to lay down
interpretations that were made in days past,
for they will only lead you astray.
Lay down all systems of eschatology
you have known up to now,
and listen to My Spirit instead.

"Lay down all else but the gospel
of My grace revealed in the Cross,
for the spirit of the prophecy of Revelation
is the testimony of My love for you,
and My command to give agape love
to one another as I have loved you.

"Come to Me as a child—
My gospel is so simple a child can understand,
and indeed I will reveal My thoughts
even to children in these days.
What I shall show you will not be complicated,
but it will be a sword that pierces your own soul.
Yet if you accept and take My heart,
it will become a river of refreshing water to you."


Art: "One Like a Son of Man"

"Signs Pointing to Me"

"Why are you so excited about miracles?
Why do you seek after miracles?
Don't you know that miracles are signs pointing to Me?
Why are you coming to Me for miracles?
Why are you coming to the destination
only to ask for signs pointing toward the destination?
Don't you know that you have arrived?

"But among you those who have performed miracles are highly esteemed,
while those who have not are hungry and thirsty to do so.
Among you the measure of how much I am with a person
is counted in miracles, signs and wonders.
Such a person is called 'anointed' and 'empowered',
and everyone is taught to aspire to become such a person.
You have become drunk on the mere idea of displaying miraculous power.
My warning has been set aside that all manner of miracles can be done
even though in the end I may say 'I do not know you'.

"Miracles are not a sign of how close I am to you.
Miracles are not a sign of your 'authority' or 'anointing'.
Miracles are a sign of who I am, not of who you are.
That is why miracles are done in My name, not in yours.

"I love you and I love to bless you,
so you will see miracles in your life and in the lives of others.
But I want you to have Me more than miracles;
I want you to want Me more than you want miracles.

"I performed many, many miracles for My children in ancient Israel,
but they continually turned away from Me.
My heart cries out in pain today
because you have not learned from them:
today you seek miracles above all things
and believe that the 'key' to evangelizing the nations
is to perform miracles with My power.

"Not only have you forgotten the testimony of ancient Israel,
but you have also forgotten how I told you
that the world would know Me and would know you:
by My agape love in you, bringing you together in love.
I did not say that the world would know you or Me
by displays of miraculous power,
but by agape love and by unity in agapge love.

"Seek My love! Seek My heart!
There is no greater way that I draw people to Myself
than through My love seen when I was lifted up on the Cross for all.
Miraculous displays did not draw the nations to Me in the ancient days,
and I did not die on the Cross for you to revert
to hoping for means that I have showed you did not work.
I want you to know My heart seen through My work on the Cross
more than you want to see the might and power of My hand.

"I want you to pursue My heart,
and I want you to pursue the hearts of the nations
more than you seek power to astound their eyes with."


See also: "Miracles" (art link)

"My Love Wants to Heal"

"I am tender and I AM love.
I am compassionate and I am refreshing.
I am joy and I am the encourager of your soul.

"But I love you too much to leave you unhealed.
I care about you too much to let you
remain in denial and delusion.

"I will expose to you your problems, your fears,
your blindnessess and things which you have
trusted in instead of trusting Me.

"I want to heal your heart in the deepest way with My love,
in places you didn't know were dry, cracked, barren and broken.

"I am love. Do not fear My truth,
for I AM truth, and I love you."


See also: "Mended" (art link)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Guarded Through Tribulation

"Do not be afraid: I hold you in the palm
of My hand and no one can snatch you out.
Nothing can separate you from My love—
neither death, disaster, nor tribulation.

I told you that you would have tribulation in this world,
but that I would never give you more than you could bear.
Indeed I have promised to go through fire and water with you,
and that in times of trouble I will shelter you under My wings.

So take heart!
You shall go through the tribulation
but it shall not overcome you;
you will live because I live.

You shall see My wrath
but it will not touch you—
haven't I promised that
you will not come into judgment?

Do not be afraid,
but let My perfect love
cast out your fear
of tribulation."


Art: "Through Tribulation"

Saved For This Hour

"Saved *For* This Hour"

"Woe! Woe!
Sound the trumpet!
Wake up My people from their sleep!
Wake them up before dread comes upon them!

"False prophets have lured My people to sleep with sweet words,
saying 'You will not go through tribulation
because the Lord will take you away before it comes.'
Therefore My people learn to fear tribulation
and put their faith in error rather than in My protection.
Because false prophets have darkened My counsel and nullified My word,
My people fear darkness in the world
instead of seeing My light behind the clouds.

"Wake up, My people, wake up!
I am coming, riding on the clouds of tribulation!
Wake up! I have called you to give birth to nations—
do not expect to be taken away from labor pains
before the hour of delivery comes!
Do not be foolish virgins, but keep watch!
Even as I came into the world for the Cross,
so I have saved you for this
for this hour that is coming upon the earth
when the world will need you most.

"For the sake of the world that needs you,
I will not spare you this hour."


Art links:
"Behind the Clouds" and "Let It Rain"
See also:
"One Rapture at One Trumpet"

Monday, May 16, 2011

"All I Want is You"
(No Magical Spiritual Words Necessary)

"You don't have to do anything special to bring Me near.
You don't need a special spiritual password
or magic way to call upon Me.
There is no need to approach Me through stages
in order to 'get into' My presence.

"My Son died on the Cross to break down every
barrier of separation between you and Me,
and I have not given My Spirit in order to bring new
hurdles you must learn before coming to Me.
Living in My Spirit does not mean knowing
nine different ways to enter My presence;
living in My Spirit means living
aware that My Spirit lives in you!
My Son and I have made our home inside of you!

"So why are you still 'approaching' Me as if we lived far apart?
Why are you looking to the 'things of the Spirit'
like a long-distance calling card?

"Yes, at times in the past you have felt Me strongly
when you spoke in tongues, sang a song, spent time in silence, etc.
But when you look to 'find' Me through these,
you put distance between us.

"Just talk to Me! I'm right here!"

"I don't want a lot of words or preamble, I want you!
I want to hear you—I want your heart, that's all!
Don't worry about what you're 'supposed to say'
or about 'how' you have to pray.
Just lay down everything you think you're supposed to do,
and talk to Me.

"You don't need to rush to leave, either.
Praying isn't something I want you to 'do' and then
have you go back to whatever you were doing before.
No, I want you! I want relationship with you!
So please stay and let Me talk to you!
I want to converse with you—
to talk with you and walk with you!
I don't want our talking to be limited to 'prayer time'—
I want you to be My friend all the time!"


Art links: "With What?" and "Pleasing Him"

Sacrificed Cities

"Do you know My heart? Do you know My heart?
I am righteous, I am just. I am fair and I am loving.
I do not destroy the innocent with the wicked.
I am afflicted when they are afflicted;
what is done unto them is done unto Me.

"The blood of the children of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
still cries out to Me from the ground.
The cries of My dying children still ring in My ears.
Yet the excuses and self-justifications for their slaughter
are still spoken to My face in America.

"Who will justify the sacrifice of My children?
Who will stand before Me in the judgment
to defend their torture and burning?
What excuse will silence their cries from My ears?
What justification will cause Me to forget their blood?
I do not cancel out atrocities with more atrocities,
and I do not minimize any of My children's suffering
in order to save any nation's pride.

"Look! Look and repent!
Repent before I repay you
according to your deeds."


Art: "Nothing I Can Do"
See also: Reaping Nagasaki

Not the Whole

"Not the Whole"

"To the prophets:

"I have called you to speak what I give you to speak. And at times I will show you things I have not yet shown to others. But remember that you cannot see the whole, no matter how much I have shown you and given you to speak.

"My word is still Mine even when I have put it in your mouth to speak. My words remain, but your speaking will come to an end. I AM the First Word and the Last Word: the sum of all things. When I come your part will come to an end, and then you must be content to merely be My child. So even now, be content to merely be My child, and do not glory in the part I have given you to speak.

"I am your only glory. I am your only crown. I am the Word made flesh. I am the Head and the Source."

Thursday, May 12, 2011

"Reach for My Heart!"

"Reach for My Heart!"

"More than the blessings of My Spirit,
More than the blessings of My riches,
More than the blessings of My healing,
More than the blessings of My wonders,
More than the blessings of My knowledge,
More than the blessings of My hands...

"...will you seek My heart?
Will you want Me?"


Art link:
"Reaching For God's Heart"

"The Power of My Love"

"The Power of My Love"

"More than My power to make you perfect and sinless, I want you to know the power of My love which looks past your sins and imperfection to the Cross—where I took your sins and credited you with My perfection.

"More than My power to bless you with peace and prosperity, I want you to know the power of My love to give you peace in your soul and treasure in heaven.

"More than My power to remove darkness from the world around you, I want you to know the power of My love to dispell darkness from your heart.

"More than the power of My Spirit to work supernatural wonders, I want you to know the power of My love to work wonders in your heart.

"More than My power to heal your body, I want you to know the power of My love to heal the wounds of your heart.

"More than My power to move the mountains before you with your faith, I want you to know the power of My love to sustain you through anything.

"More than My power to give you whatever you ask, I want you to know that I love you and I Myself want to be your every answer."

"The Fish Tank" by Hazel Holland

"The Fish Tank" by Hazel Holland

"My Beloved children, some of you have taken the Living Water that flows from Me, and you are trying to control and manage the flow of it by placing it into very large and beautiful 'holding tanks'. From the 'holding tanks' you re-distribute it so that it can be purchased by those who need water to live. But the water you are 'selling' is not always Living Water, but is made to look like Living Water. The plants that you see in the fish tank swaying in the gentle current look like they are growing in the ocean, but they are not. You planted them in a fish tank in order to make the 'tank' look authentic, attractive, and like the real thing.

"My Beloved children, as you look at the cloudy water in the 'tank', you must know that the process of death and decay is already at work. By nature the 'tank' itself brings death. Water that was once alive in the 'tank' will surely die. The whole setup in the 'fish tank' is designed to mimic the reality of the ocean. In the ocean the water cannot stagnate or die, because it is in constant motion. But in this very large 'fish tank' there is no free-flowing water. Instead, water is being 'recycled' through a 'filtering system' that produces tiny air bubbles that is supposed to bring 'life' to the tank environment.

"My Beloved children, My heart is filled with deep sorrow as I see you putting forth every effort to stay alive in such restrictive surroundings. Because of the outward beauty of the 'tank', it is hard for some of you to admit that the water is 'cloudy'. But I see you clinging desperately to the 'air filtering system' trying to swallow tiny air bubbles that come out from the end of the 'air filter' in order to stay alive in the 'tank'. For some of you it seems wrong to dare to say that you feel like you are dying as you struggle to breathe... After all shouldn't you be grateful for this 'air filter' that supplies you with much needed oxygen?

"My Beloved children, I know that you feel very small and insignificant compared to the large and beautiful 'plants' in the 'tank'. I know you believe that the 'air filter' that you so tightly cling to is necessary in order to control and preserve your Life in the 'tank'. But just the opposite is true. The 'air filter' is gradually cutting you off from your true Air Supply. The 'air filter' is preventing you from knowing that there isn’t true Life in the 'tank'. Many of you don’t realize that you are living in a 'fish tank' instead of My 'ocean!' Why are you willing to settle for a substitute instead of the real thing?"
Read the full post by Hazel here on her blog: Sound The Trumpet: "The Fish Tank"

"In the Rain, Seek My Heart!"

"In the Rain..."

"To My children in Charismatic movements:

"I know you long for Me. I know you are excited by the apparent moving of My Spirit. I know you have been so excited and so hungry than you have tried to ignore the black rain that you have seen. You have wanted to stay positive, to believe all things, and to become as 'full' of My Spirit as the leaders you have seen on stage.

"But I need you to be honest with Me, with yourselves, and with all who call upon Me. When you see something that is not right, don't ignore it. When leaders tell you to ignore it and use their displays of power as proof, do not follow them. Did I not declare that people could prophesy, work wonders and miracles and yet not be known by Me? Displays of power are not a measure of standing with Me.

"Seek My heart, not My power. Yes, I will work wonders of power among you, but I am calling you to seek My heart above all, for if you do not know My heart then you do not know Me at all, no matter how much 'power' is flowing through you.

"Many have been drinking of this 'rain' for many years, and among you there are many who are parched and thirsty...

"...Seek My Heart!"

"...because the works of My power were never meant as food to satisfy your hunger. The works of My power are not spiritual food; My Son is spiritual food! The 'things of the Spirit' cannot satisfy you, make you grow or mature. That is not the purpose of My Spirit's workings. Rather, My Spirit is given to testify to My Son and that you have all things freely in Him.

"The 'rain' falling in Charismatic movements is mixed: sometimes you see My power, but often you are seeing the working of another power. Very often it is not clear because power itself is seen as the ultimate ends instead of My heart. But when you seek My heart, then you will understand what is of My Spirit and what is not. And when you cannot see the difference, do not worry but simply seek My heart.

"Now is a time of darkness in many churches, when people will not endure sound doctrine but will only permit heard what their itching ears want to hear. Now is a time when My name and My power are spoken of but My heart is broken and ignored. Now is a time when the 'rain' of power is sought and much 'rain' is poured out, but My children are still starving because only My heart can satisfy them.

"Now is a time when storm clouds are gathering over many churches, though the people seeking the 'rain' of power do not discern the dark clouds gathering overhead. My heart is breaking for My children, whose unhealed hearts are crying out before me, whose throats and souls remains parched before Me, whose thirst remains unquenched by the ministry of 'power' that has been presented before them in Charismatic movements.

"I will not allow them to be starved and thirsty forever, nor will I allow My name and My Spirit to be abused forever. I will move against those who have abused My name and My sheep."


See also: "In the Rain" (art link) and "Seek My Heart" (art link)

Many 'Teachings'

Many 'Teachings'

"To Teachers in the Church:

"What have you done to My people? Why are they running here and there to learn from you, buy your books, messages and make offerings to you in order to please Me? Who has taught them to approach Me like this? Who has come between Me and My children offering 'keys' to succor My favor better and get more 'results' out of Me?

"It is you, Teachers! It is you who have abused the pure faith of My innocent children! You have used 'knowledge' to portray a cloud of darkness around them, and then offered the only way out of it by buying your teachings. You have returned My children to the darkness of the old covenant temple and offered your 'knowledge' as the means by which they may dwell with Me inside the veil.

"Woe to you, Teachers! For I have heard the cries of My children and I have sworn by Myself that their cries will not be in vain! Woe to you, if you remain standing between Me and My children in the day when I declare 'Enough!'

"Repent! Even now, repent of your marketing in the temple—My children are My temple!—and confess that you have built upon the foundation with wood, hay and stubble. Repent and proclaim the truth that My children may seek Me directly. Repent and proclaim the truth of the new covenant—that your calling as 'teacher' is not meant to be perpetual but is rather meant to be a temporary support to help My children rest in My arms.

"If you repent of making My children perpetually dependent on your teaching, I will shield you when the time comes for Me to judge My house, and you will survive and your calling will be a blessing in that day. But if you do not repent, when My house is judged, the wood, hay and stubble you have built upon the one foundation (My Son) will come crashing down upon you."


See also: Biblical 'Teaching'

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


"Your 'rights' are an abomination in My sight when you worship them
rather than obey My command to love one another as I have loved you.
You have credited your blessings to your pursuit of your rights,
and you have pursued your rights more than you have pursued what I value.

"My fruit is eternal, but your enjoyment of your rights is temporary.
I called you to an everlasting inheritance,
but you in your rights you have chosen perishable things.
Your devotion to your rights is choking your good fruit,
and you cannot see the difference between what is rooted in Me
and what is rooted in your idolatry.

"I will uproot your rights so that your roots
may be strengthened and that fruit may come forth.
If you put your roots in Me, you will find everlasting fruit.
But if you give yourself to re-securing your rights,
you will have neither your rights nor security,
and will see only the darkness of the night
that is coming upon the earth."

God's Land

"Is one land holier than another to Me?
Did My Son die to gain land?
Are you not instead My field, My land?

"The nations are My inheritance.
Your neighbors are My inhertance.
Your enemies are My inheritance.

"Your enemies are not My enemies;
they are My priceless treasures!

"Do you think that I am on the 'side' of any nation?
Do you think My Son died to purchase for you
perishable land or ancient dwelling places
reserved for fire and re-creation?

"Behold, I stand in the midst of your battle,
grieving for the wounded and suffering on all sides.
I am not behind your flags or your causes,
but I am calling you out of them.

"Come, join Me.
Learn of My heart
and value what I value."


Art: "God's Land"

"Done Unto Me"

"To the Church:

"The nation of Israel is in rebellion against Me.
She has sought to establish herself apart from Me,
destroying her enemies whom I died for,
as well as her own children.
Therefore she has not known peace,
neither inside nor outside.

"Woe! Woe! for the end of her ways is not peace!
Woe! for she has abandoned My calling
to love her neighbors and be a blessing to them!
Woe! for she sheds blood to establish her land!
Woe! for her treasures and her heart are below!
Woe! for I am not the God she seeks!

"My people, why would you join in her rebellion against Me?
Why would you assist in her suicide rather than prevent it?
Are her sins less deadly because they are of the circumcision?
What have the prophets testified in Scripture of this?

"Israel is My inheritance,
as is Palestine, Syria, Jordan,
Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia
and the nations beyond.

"When you hurt one another, you hurt Me.
When you attack one another, you attack Me.
Whatever you have done to the least of these,
you have done to Me."


Art: "Inflicted"

Hikikomori Church

"Hikikomori Church"

Hikikomori, (literally "pulling away, being confined", i.e., "acute social withdrawal") is a Japanese term to refer to the phenomenon of reclusive people who refuse to leave their house, and isolate themselves from society in their homes for prolonged periods, sometimes measured in years. While many people feel the pressures of the outside world, hikikomori react by complete social withdrawal. (Source: Wikipedia)
"My bride is a hikikomori. She has been afraid that she will not survive spiritually if she goes out of her house. She does not know that I will be with her and will give her strength wherever she goes. She has felt her only safety is by staying in her weekly meetings. She has forgotten how to relate and interact with people, and even with herself. All outside is darkness to her except for the light in her own room. But even in her own room the fire is dying and it seems her members and life itself are ebbing away. She can't understand way, and she does not realize she is depressed.

"How shall I help her? How shall I lure My bride out of her confinement?"

Monday, May 09, 2011

Feeling Outside

"Feeling Outside"

"Can you hear Me knocking? Can you hear Me wanting to share more with you than your programs will allow for? Can you hear Me longing to hear your voice?

"I stand at the door and knock; I wait for My children to give Me room to talk. I wait for them to want Me and for them to wait on Me. I wait with desire for intimate relationship with them.

"I want you for My bride! But who among you on earth would expect his bride to sit down for weekly lectures? Who would consider that to be 'intimacy' and the heart of a marriage? Who among you would want marriage to be programmed, with communication and interaction on a once-a-week schedule?

"I am waiting for you at your doors because I desire more than long-distance relationship with you. I did not tear the veil of the old temple and fill you with My Spirit in order for you to seek Me in the way of the old covenant. I did not name your body as My new temple in order for you to return to the shadows of seeking Me through rituals, forms, programs and weekly schedules.

"I am longing for you."

Sunday, May 08, 2011



"I have made each one of you special and unique. My children have not always been comfortable 'in church' because I have made them unique. I have not made My children to fit into the same clothes that others wear. I have created them to be free, to run and to roam, to share and be shared with. I have prepared places for each one—fields where you will know why you were made and what you were made for, and where you will 'run' to the full potential I made you for.

"What does it mean to be a 'shepherd'? Does it mean putting the same clothes on everyone and telling them that it is My will for them to enjoy their prison?

"I have created each of My children with special, unique hearts that need special, unique care. Shepherds, you cannot tend to My children's hearts when you are focused on keeping them in your church seats and within your church walls. I am calling you to wake up, for I will not allow My children to be captive forever. Already your seats are emptying and your church is not as full as it once was.

"What is your goal? To fill your seats or to make sure My children's hearts are full? The two goals will not always go together. Shepherds, I am calling you to choose whether you will minister to My children or minister to your ministry. You cannot serve two masters. I am for My children. Are you with Me?"

False Unity

"False Unity"

"To the Church:

"What do you think it means to be My 'Church'? What do you think it means to be 'one' and have a spirit of 'unity'? Is this what 'one accord' means to you?

"I have not called My people to a life of sitting in chairs week after week. I have not called My people to believe everything taught from pulpits as if it were Me speaking. I have not called My people to endure this forever, and I have not called My children to be silent.

"I have given each person a voice, a precious voice that I love to hear, and which I have made to be a blessing to others. If My children are not permitted to speak, I will remove them so that they may be who I created them to be, and so that they may be a blessing to the nations."

Friday, May 06, 2011

"Ministry in My Sight"

"Ministry in My Sight"

"To the Church:

"Is 'ministry' something that primarily means spending a few hours a week in a comfortable room with other people from the middle-class? Is that the 'meat' of what it means to be My Church? Are 'outreaches' outside of your services the 'extra' thing to you?

"I am waiting for you outside."

Thursday, May 05, 2011

"My Treasure"

"My Treasure"

"To the Church:

"My heart is set on the poor, the prostitute, the homeless, the hungry, the outcast, widow and orphan. My affection is for the drunk, the addict, the gang member and the depressed. These are My priceless treasures.

"My heart is with them. My affection is on them. Will you go out and give them My love? Will you treasure what I treasure? What is your heart set on?"

Jezebel's Secrets

"To Charismatic churches:

"Do not pride yourselves in your 'spiritual' knowledge,
for I tell you that much of what you call 'knowledge' is as astrology in My sight.
My Kingdom is not as the kingdoms of the earth,
and My authority is not as the authorities of the earth.
My Kingdom is My Son and the simple knowledge of My grace
in His crucifixion and resurrection.
I have not laid any other burdens on My people,
but your so-called 'secrets' have.

"I am calling you to repent!
Many sheep lay wounded in your churches, and many more are lost and confused
as they try to decipher your 'secrets' in order to come up to your 'level'.
In seeking to map out the ways of My Spirit and make a hierarchy
according to the kingdoms of the earth, you have set My Word aside
and taught that I must be approached as if I were a pagan god.
Because you have sought only to feel and exercise My power,
you have not known when demons have come into your midst.
Because you have sought Me so little,
many of you are not aware when I leave your midst,
so long as 'power' continues to be felt and exercised among you.

"Repent before you wake up to find yourselves naked."


Art: "Problem-Solving"
See also: The Friends of Job
Read an article about The Spirit of "Jezebel"

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

"Rest in My Arms"

"Rest in My Arms"

The Lord the Saviour is her rest;
On Him she casts her cares;
By faith she leans upon His breast,
And banishes her fears.
- William Gadsby
My beloved,

I know your heart. I know your heart. I know you don't want to upset people. I know you don't want to offend. I know all that you want to do is stay here in My arms, looking into My eyes, singing My praise. And I know that if you want to speak, I know that all you want to do is to tell people about My matchless love and how wonderful I am. I know.

Yet I have called you not only to My arms, but I have called you to share My heart with others. I know it is not always easy. I know you feel alone at times, terribly alone. I know the weight of the things I sometimes tell you to share. I know how they will be received. And I have sent you to speak for Me anyway.

Rest in My arms. Lean upon My breast. I will carry you. I will sustain you. Remember that I know your heart, and I remember your intentions. I know that you love Me, and that you aren't trying to be judgmental, critical or negative. I know that this call on your life sometimes feels like a burden to you.

But I also know the times that you are blessed and enraptured in My love when you see how I bless others through you. And I know that in your heart the bottom line is that you want others to be blessed. So you accepted the call I put on your life, even though you knew it would mean rejection and suffering. You accepted it because you know Me. You know My heart, and you know that My love is worth it. Seeing one more person blessed and overjoyed in My arms is worth it.

Have faith. Remember that I remember. At times you will forget because of the weight of what I share with you, or because of the accusations you will hear from others. Come to me in those times and seek My memory when you have forgotten. Look into My eyes and all else will grow dim.

I am always with you.

"I Will Sustain You"

"I Will Sustain You"

"To the prophets:

"Go and do what I have showed you!

"Many leaders and teachers are telling and will tell you, 'Do not prophesy negative things!' and 'Speak only encouragement!'

"But you know that I have planted you to bear witness to My heart. I have overcome you with My grief and My heart of love for My people and for the nations.

"Do not be afraid of those who try to silence you, shame you, slander you or accuse you. I am your Root, and I will sustain you. I will keep you strong so that you are not broken by those who have rejected My voice and My heart.

"The time is now when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but will permit only what their itching ears want to hear. The time is now when the agape love of many who profess My name will grow cold. Stand firm in My love, in My heart, and speak what I command you to speak. I will sustain you to the end."

Called to Stand

"Called to Stand"

"To the Church:

"I have told you that wickedness will increase in the world in the days before I return. So do not let your love grow cold! Do not abandon agape love even though you see enemies multiplying around you. Your reaction is more important than the acts committed against you and those you love. How will you respond?

"I am love. And without love, your faith is nothing. I am calling you to love your enemies even as I have loved you. Do not leave the faith by leaving My love! Stand fast and remain firm in My love.

"I am calling some of you to suffering and martyrdom. Do not give up your crown."

"Follow Me"

"Follow Me"

"Do not pass on taking up the cross when it comes to you! Behold, I am allowing the cross to come into many of your lives, and I would not have you flee from following in My footsteps. I know you are afraid and do not want to suffer or die, but be confident that where I have gone, you also may follow.

"Follow Me! Embrace the cross and the suffering ahead. I will be with you, always."

Not Against Flesh & Blood

"Why are some of you trying to defend Me with the weapons of the world?
Don't you know I command the armies of Heaven?
Don't you know that I can defend Myself if I want to?
Or have you forgotten what the Cross was all about?"


Art: "The Choice"

Monday, May 02, 2011

"I Rejoice Not"

"My people,

"I have not called you to the ministry of vengeance,
but to the ministry of reconciliation!
I do not rejoice in the death of the wicked,
but rather that they turn and be saved.

"Why are you rejoicing, My people?
Love your enemies, bless those who persecute you,
pray for those who mistreat you,
and you will be My sons and daughters.

"I have not called you to vengeance,
but have kept it for Myself.
The Cross is for your enemies
just as much as it is for you!

"Share it!"


Art: "Father is Just!"

Sunday, May 01, 2011

"Called to Be With Me"

"Called to Be With Me"

"I have called you to be with Me, walk with Me and live with Me—all day of every day! I want to be with you and I want you to be with Me! I want to hold you in My arms, to keep you near Me, and to surprise & disarm you with My love.

"I am with you always, even when you are outside of 'church'—I am not with you more inside of 'church', nor am I with you less outside of 'church'. I am calling you out of being centered on 'church' because I want you to be with Me instead!

"When you call upon Me, when you want Me to be near you, I want you to know that I am not a building, a ritual, a meeting or anything as dead as that—and neither are you! I am Spirit and I am with you! I will teach you how to know me and walk with Me.

"Come, walk with Me now while it is day, before night comes."

"My Bride"

"My Bride"

"I have sought the one My heart loves and I have found her—you! I have found an eternal treasure, a priceless pearl worth all of My riches. You are My bride.

"You have been hidden among buildings, programs, rituals, schedules and meetings. But these are not My Church, these are not My bride. You are My Church, You are My bride."

"Come! Be My Church!"

"Come! Be My Church!"

"Why are you sitting here? Why are you waiting for the city to come to you? Do you think sitting like this is what it means to be My Church?

"Come! Join Me! Be My Church! Be My hands and arms for the broken, the hurting, the hungry, the sick and the dying."

"Pick Up Your Candle and GO!"

"Pick Up Your Candle and GO! (Fan this flame!)"

"My precious people, My candles in the dark, you are beautiful to Me! The flame of your love for Me shines always before Me.

"Why have you hidden behind the walls of your buildings and programs? You have grown afraid that your light will not shine without them. You have grown timid and weak in fear of losing your flame by going outside. And now you lament that your fire diminishes, that your people decrease and your 'church' is not what it once was. Can you not see that your walls and your services are choking your fire instead of protecting or fanning it?

"I am Lord over the winds outside your walls! Pick up your candle and GO! Do not be afraid! Hide no longer in the shadows! Do not wait behind the walls of your ritual time and gathering, or you will watch and mourn as your flame grows smaller and smaller. Go forth and shine!"